
Carnival popcorn clip art clipart 2

Wednesday, September 14th… SPIRIT DAY!!! Elmira Eagle Day! Wear anything with Elmira, blue, or gold.
One goal for the Elmira Elementary staff is to strengthen the school community in a way that kids will enjoy showing school spirit.

The first Wednesday of each month will be designated “dress up day.” All of Elmira Elementary staff and students will be encouraged to participate with the monthly theme.

Please help your child participate. Please don’t feel the need to go out and purchase new items. Make sure that whatever your child chooses to wear is appropriate, comfortable, and won’t be a distraction in the classroom.

Each month, we will ask parent volunteers to come in and help with popping popcorn for every student. This month we are asking for parent volunteers from KINDERGARTEN, 4th, and 5th grade. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are able to help : )

Thank you so much!

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88960 Territorial Road
Elmira, OR 97437-9759

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