
report.card.Report cards were dropped off at the post office Tuesday evening, so families should be getting them soon.  This report card looks different than in the past.  Early in the year the school began work on implementing the requirements of HB 2220.  This bill set new report card requirements of which one was sending home an annual report that included information around a students proficiency in specific standards within a subject.  That information is included in this report card.  However, as often happens, the 2014 Legislature passed a new bill, HB 4150.  This bill kept some elements of the earlier bill, but eliminated this annual report requirement.  The bottom line is this report card looks different as we complied with the earlier HB 2220 requirements, however in 14-15, this may change again as a result of the new law.

On the report card you will receive, the most important elements to note are the “O” (overall grade).  This grade is the transcripted grade and the grade that determines GPA.  The “A” or academic grade, provides information around how that student achieved when just looking at tests and quizzes.  This academic grade/information has been on progress reports and report cards all year.  The new piece on this “annual report” report card are the proficiencies in specific subjects.  For example, in Geometry the standards might be Functions, Modeling, Statistics, Algebra, etc…. a students will receive a M-meets or a NM-not meets under these specific areas assessed throughout the Geometry course.  I realize this new report may be confusing, if you have questions do not hesitate to contact the school in August.  However, the grades under the “O” (overall column) is what should be the focus.  The rest of it is simply additional information.

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