

Thank you to the FRSD maintenance staff for their work over the past several days installing a new scoreboard at EHS.  Over 90% of the nearly $15,000 for this scoreboard was raised through donations.  They included:  Ric Rainone of Cornerstone Management Group (The District’s construction representative), DLR Group (Architects for our recent bond projects), LCG Pence Construction, and Territorial Sports Program (to name some of the major donors).  Thanks to everyone that participated in this project.  If you are a local business or organization and would like to advertise on the board (the white section at the bottom), please contact EHS Athletic Director Brian Brands at 541-935-8200.

This past week was Classified Employee Appreciation Week.  Here at EHS we recognized our Classified Employees (the secretaries, custodians and educational assistants) by the leadership class sponsoring an all staff breakfast in the morning and posting thank-you signs around school.  In addition, they received treats in their mailboxes each day, and had free drinks from the coffee cart all week.  The Classified Employees here at EHS are critical to our success.  Each and every day they do amazing things for the staff, students and community.  Next time you have an opportunity, please thank them for all they do. They are appreciated very much.

teacher.appreciation-weekThe week of May 5th-9th is Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thank you to all of the teachers here at EHS who do a great job everyday and often times go above and beyond to provide extended opportunities for our students.  You are much appreciated.  Parents, if you have a particular teacher you would like to thank, shoot them an email or note sometime and let them know.  Recognizing their efforts means a lot.

classified.weekThis week is Classified employee appreciation Week.  The classified employees in a school are the secretaries, bookkeepers, custodians and educational assistants.  EHS has 15 outstanding classified employees that are a critical part of our school.  A big thank-you to Angela, Leiisa, Tammy, Robin, Stacy, Kelley, Debbie, Andrea, Stephanie, Julie Cross, Julie Bothel, Dale, Bob, Tony and Mike.  Thanks to all of you, for all you do!!