
Beginning Monday, May 21st FRMS will have a drop-off lane!!! To help keep our parking lot from getting too chaotic and too crazy in the mornings, we will be putting in a drop off lane. The drop-off lane will lead from Territorial to the drop-off point (click below for a map). We are asking parents to follow the drop-off lane and to not let students out of the car until you get to the drop-off point. It’s important that parents pull all the way forward before stopping the car and letting students out. By pulling forward and only letting students out at the drop-off point, we are helping to ensure that we don’t back traffic up and block Territorial.

Once they are let out, students should use the marked crosswalk to cross the bus lane to get to the sidewalk and then into the building.

Thank you to the district administration and the school board for their support. Thank you as well to the parents who participated in the planning of our drop-off lane and gave feedback.

The drop-off lane is intended to be used only for dropping students off at school in the mornings. It is not for dismissal or picking students up after school. We will continue to work towards a solution of the dismissal problem. Thank you.

Click here for a picture of the FRMS parking lot that shows where the new drop-off lane will be.

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