
Expect Respect is an anti-bullying curriculum developed by UO that utilizes PBIS strategies and is focused on the middle school age group. The curriculum highlights bystander training and helping students identify bullying type behaviors in themselves and in others.Drawing of a girl at a desk

To help us get ready for our Expect Respect week, all FRMS students took a school climate survey. This morning in homeroom we shared the results of that survey as well as national statistics on bullying. Teachers will also be giving out special Expect Respect High Five tickets next week.

Next week we will implement the Expect Respect Curriculum school wide. Each day will feature a different activity related to bullying prevention.

Monday: In Math classes, teachers will teach the first lesson from Expect Respect that includes telling someone how to stop and what to do if they don’t.

Tuesday: In Language Arts classes the focus will shift to bystander training.

Wednesday: On the short day, P.E. and electives will focus on team work and building community.

Thursday: The third lesson from Expect Respect takes place in Social Studies and includes discussing examples of bullying and harassment.

Friday: In Science classes, the focus shifts to social media safety for middle school students.

On Friday the 8th we will also hold a school wide assembly during seventh period that will feature the Unified Basketball team from EHS. During this assembly, we will be drawing from the Expect Respect High Fives for prizes.


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