Concert Updates amid Snow and Ice Days

Unfortunately, the winter weather continues to get in the way of our winter concert plans. Please note the following two updates:

  1. The FRMS Choir, originally scheduled to perform on December 15, will now be performing before the FRMS Talent Show on Thursday, January 26, at 6:15. There is a cost for admission to the talent show, so please contact Mrs. Kappeler ahead of time if you would like to attend only the choir portion with free admission.
  2. EHS Music Coffeehouse Night, originally scheduled for January 20, has been canceled. Given the excessive number of snow and ice days in December and January, we simply do not have enough time to prepare for this performance. We will instead start preparing for our Spring performances, and we will look forward to the Spring Coffeehouse Night on June 6.

Calling all Choir Alumni!

We are entering our second year of a new tradition to have EHS Choir Alumni join us in the Hallelujah Chorus at the end of our winter concert. This year’s concert will take place on Wednesday, December 7, at 7pm in the EHS gym. If you are a choir alum and would like to participate, or if you would like to be added to an email list for future alumni opportunities, please contact Amy Kappeler at Sheet music and audio practice tracks are available if you do not yet know the music!

Grant from the Eugene Gleemen

The Eugene Gleemen have generously awarded the EHS Chamber Choir a $500 grant to help us travel to Portland this Fall. We will spend the bulk of our trip at Portland State University, observing their chamber choir and working with their choir director. In addition, we will have the opportunity to take a tour of the Portland’5 Performing Arts Center.

The EHS Chamber Choir will be performing in the Eugene Gleemen’s “Americana”-themed concert on Sunday, November 20, at 2:30pm at the Wildish Community Theater in Springfield.

Thank you to the Eugene Gleemen!

Middle School Music is Back in Fern Ridge!

We are very pleased that the district has been able to reinstate a music program at Fern Ridge Middle School starting in the 2015-2016 school year! They will be offering band, choir, and general music, under the direction of Mr. Jeff Soffer. We at the high school are excited to collaborate with the middle school music classes. We also look forward to new opportunities in the future, as those middle school musicians move up into the high school.

Music Coffeehouse Night

On Friday, May 30, all EHS music students will be performing in Music Coffeehouse Night. Come to the cafeteria between 6 and 8pm to be entertained by EHS musicians while enjoying refreshments in a casual atmosphere.

Admission is free and refreshment sales will directly benefit our music programs.

Upcoming Choir Events

The choirs will be busy for the next few weeks!

On Thursday, 4/17, we will travel to South Eugene High School to rehearse with Dr. Zielke from OSU for our upcoming Metropolitan Choral Festival.

On Tuesday, 4/22, we will perform at the Hult Center in the Metropolitan Choral Festival! The performance begins at 7:30, and tickets are available from the Hult Center box office for $5.

On Thursday, 5/8, we will present our Spring concert. The choirs will perform a wide array of music, from classical choral repertoire to Pentatonix and Ed Sheeran.