Old Posts
The January meeting of the Fern Ridge School District School Board has been changed!
The School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, January 22nd in the board room of the District Office at 6:30pm (88834 Territorial Rd Elmira, Or 97437)
Visit FRSD BoardBook for more information on meetings and agendas.
The open enrollment process provides an additional method of school choice for Oregon students which allows them to apply for a permanent admission to a school district. Non-resident students may apply to transfer from their resident district to attend Fern Ridge School District through the open enrollment process.
Interested non-resident students must submit a completed Fern Ridge School District Open Enrollment form to the Fern Ridge School District Office beginning March 1, 2017 and closing on April 1, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Accepted applicants will be notified if your request is approved around May 1, 2017. For further information contact the Superintendent’s Office at 541-935-2253 ext. 1203.
At the FRSD School Board meeting last night, the Board authorized the addition of 5 days to our calendar this school year. This addition, combined with a 14 hour “weather waiver” we are requesting from ODE, will allow the FRSD to continue to meet state instructional hour requirements for the 16-17 school year. These changes will be updated to the website district calendar later today. The additional school days are: February 20th, and June 16,19,20 and 21.
Reminder – The end of the semester was moved a week. There will be no school this Friday, February 3rd. It is a Teacher Workday.
The following proposal for making up snow days will be presented to the School Board for approval at their February 6, 2017 meeting:
- Attend school on President’s Day – February 20th.
- Add 4 student days at the end of the school year – Friday, June 16th and Monday-Wednesday, June 19th-June 21st. The teacher workday will occur on Thursday, June 22nd. This will have us making up 5 of the 7 school days we lost. If we lose additional days, more adjustments will need to be made. While this proposal will not become official until the Board acts on the 6th, we wanted staff, students and parents to have the information as soon as possible for planning purposes.
The loss of seven school days over the last month has necessitated some changes in our calendar. The first issue that needed to be addressed was pushing back the end of the first semester. At the School Board meeting last night it was recommended, and subsequently approved, to change January 27th from a non-school day to a school day, and to change February 3rd from a school day to a non-school day. This effectively moves the end of our semester to Thursday, February 2nd. Please note this change on your calendars.
The second issue the board addressed was the potential of adding back days. While many options were discussed, including attending school on holidays, eliminating early release Wednesdays, attending during Spring Break, extending the school year, etc….two options were recommended for consideration. The first option simply has the school year being extended by 5 days, with the last school day occurring on Thursday, June 22nd. The second option has the end of the school year being extended by 3 days (ending on June 20th), with the other two days being identified and made up between now and the end of the school year (attending on Presidents Day, the Friday before Memorial weekend, another non-school day, etc)…..The board plans on making a decision at their next meeting on February 6th. Both options considered have us adding back 5 of the 7 days we have missed, and assume no more snow days. If we have more snow days, other adjustments will need to be made.
Fern Ridge School District will be hosting an Open House and Ribbon Cutting on January 19th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Please join us in our new Elmira Elementary School, 88960 Territorial Road, Elmira, OR 97437. The evening will begin outside of the school where School Board Member, Twinkle Morton and students, will cut the ribbon and lead the way to the gym. There will be a short greeting from Gary Carpenter and Michelle Marshall. The grand opening will be a wonderful opportunity for families, community members, and friends to explore the beautiful new building and learn more about the design and layout.
In addition, Elmira High School will be “open” from 6-7 for any community members that would like to tour the new lobby and facilities that have recently been completed.
Come for an evening of fun to watch the Elmira High School Seniors vs Juniors Powder Puff Football Game on Thursday, November 10th at 6:30 pm. The admission fees received are a fundraiser for the Grad Night Committee to use in their work planning a safe, fun and Drug/Alcohol Free Graduation Party for our Senior Class. No ASB cards will be accepted. Come hungry! BBQ and concessions will be available sponsored by Elmira Booster Club.
All children and youth ages 2-18 are welcome to come and have a free meal at the FOOD for Lane County’s Summer Food Program sites. Designated sites in the Fern Ridge area are: Veneta City Park, 25192 Broadway, Veneta – 6/22/15-8/21/15 and Elmira Open Bible Church, 88899 Territorial Road, Elmira – 7/20/15-7/24/15 only. For more detailed information please click here.
The school board has approved the academic calendar for 2015–2016.
The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 8. Winter break will be December 21–January 4. Spring break will be March 21–25. The last day of school will be Friday, June 17, unless there are inclement days to make up at the end of the year.