Elmira High School



school-houseNo School tomorrow.  Have a great and safe break with your families.  School resumes on Monday, January 6th.

Progress reports will be mailed home tomorrow.

choirProgress reports that were scheduled to be mailed home today, will instead be entered  by teachers starting tomorrow and ending at 8:00 AM on Thursday morning.  The progress reports will go to the post office on Thursday afternoon.  This is a “grade check” for all winters sport athletes.

The EHS choir concert scheduled for last week has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, Decmeber 18th at 7:00 PM in the EHS Theater.


With all the no-school days, we have lots of information to get out here at EHS.  Please see below:

1.  “Like” the “Principal Carpenter” facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome#!/pages/Principal-Carpenter/460293930736145  to get updated information regarding EHS.  This has been the primary way (outside of automated phone calls parents get) that I have been communicating immediate school closure information.

2.  Tonight (Friday, December 13th) we are having home BBX games for both boys and Girls.  At FRMS we have JV Girls at 5:15 and JV Boys at 7:00.  In the EHS gym we have Varsity Boys at 5:30 ande Varsity Girls at 7:00.

3.  FOOD DRIVE:  Unfortunately, the last 6 days of school have decimated our Holiday food drive.  We will not be attempting to “make-it-up,” so the Food Drive is over for this year.  Next week when we return to school our focus will be on the Holiday “Adopt-A-Family” that students have been working on.  Thanks to all those that are participating.

4.  No decisions have been made yet on “make-up” days or any changes to the calendar as a result of school being closed this past week.  As soon as any decisions are made in that regard, the information will be put out.

5.  Progress report grades were to be uploaded by teachers today, and mailed home on Monday the 16th.  With the loss of the last week, that will change.  Once we get the new date I will let parents know.

Teachers will be updating and posting the final progress report of the first semester towards the end of next week.  Progress reports will be printed off and mailed home on Monday, December 16th.  This is the final progress report prior to the end of the semester on January 23rd.  Final exams at EHS are scheduled for January 22nd and 23rd.

hWith winter weather possible this week, I wanted to give a quick reminder to families regarding inclement weather, and how to get information when schools may be forced to delay or close.

School closures and delays will be broadcast over Eugene area radio and TV stations, on our district website under Weather Closures, and at www.FlashAlert.net

Decisions about early morning delays and school closures will be made prior to 6:30 a.m.

EHS Students & Staff are currently participating in two programs to help those in need in our community, they are:


This program begins Monday, December 2nd and runs through December 13th.  Students that particiapte will receive raffle tickets for every 3 cans of food they bring in each day.  Daily drawings for prizes will occur in addition to the grand prize of …a $100 VISA gift card.  Thanks in advance to all of the members of the EHS community that participate to make this a successful event.  The food is donated to those in need right here in the Elmira/Veneta/Noti/Walton area.



Each school in the Fern Ridge School District has given EHS a family that could use some assistance this Holiday Season.  The Honor Society and Key Club are coordinating this event through 5th period classes.  Each class has been assigned a specific person (no names included), and the class gets that information.  Such as:  8 year old boy, likes to read, do puzzles and play his PS4.  The lists includes his needs and wishes.  If you woud like more information regarding this program, as you may hear your student talking about it, please feel free to contact Mr. Cooper or Mrs. Marquess here at EHS.

Thanks again to everyone that takes the time to particpate in these two programs.  The lessons learned here by our students are meaningful and important.  As someone who has delivered the presents to families in the adopt-a-family program, I can tell you they are all extremely grateful.  I wish everyone had a chance to see the joy and appreciation on their faces when they are delivered, as it is something you would not forget.  GO FALCONS!

EHS does not have school Wednesday the 27th through Friday the 29th for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Have a great break with your families!

It is never to early to begin thinking about post-secondary education (College) if this is an option you and your student want to pursue.  Some good tips and information can be found under the College and Career Center link on the right side of this page.  Our school counselor, Mrs. Meagan Haas, has made available college “checklists” for each grade level, 9-12, for students and parents to use in regards to staying “on-track.”

CALENDAR:  Just a reminder that we have no school November 27th-29th  (Wed-Fri) for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

ATHLETICS:  Monday the 18th is the start of practices for Winter sports.  Winter sports are Basketball and Wrestling (both boys and girls).  Wrestling practice is right after school, and boys and girls basketball alternate weeks between early and late.  The first week the girls go until 6:00 PM, and the boys start at 6:00 PM.  Students that are interestsed must have all paperwork completed and fees into the bookkeeper by Friday the 15th in order to participate on Monday.  If you have questions regearding what you need, please contact Mrs. Boytz at 541-935-8200 ext 278.

ACADEMICS:  The next grade check is on December 18th.  The following week all families will be mailed a copy of their students progress report.  This will be the final progress report prior to final 1st Semester grades.  The 1st semester ends on January 23rd.

The EHS College Fair is taking place this Wednesday evening from 6-8 PM.  This is a great opportunity for students and parents to get some good information.  Colleges will be present in the cafeteria, and there will be a presentation on Financial Aid in the theater.  This event is mandatory for Seniors, and Juniors are welcome to attend.  Contact Mrs. Haas in the counseling center at extension 313 if you have questions.


Asst. Principal

