
With some players at the fundraiser and some not able to make it, we are extending the fundraiser until Monday night.  We will close it on Tuesday.  That means, you can continue to get donations throughout the long weekend.  I was talking to the fundraising company last night.  Since they set this all up and help run it, they get a cut of the money.  That means, I would highly encourage players trying to get as much as they can to cover camp.  Any extra goes back to the team.  Next week, I will have a spreadsheet of how much each player raised.  If you were not at the fundraiser, you need to see Mr. Guldager (Mr. Peeler at the Middle School) tomorrow to get the paper with directions.  You can still get as much funding as possible.  If you are not going to camp, all that you raise goes to the team to help with equipment and gear cost.  This fundraiser is one of the easiest we have done.  Some players raised over $200 in just 45 minutes yesterday.  Send the texts to as many people you know.  It really adds up fast.


Coach Peeler


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