Study vocabulary p.275; catch up on any necessary workbook pages

Today, writing pieces about your classmate’s future were presented and turned in today (career, life in general, etc.–be creative).  Then, we played “Tengo” with the definitions you will see on next week’s vocabulary quiz (most likely next Thursday).  If you are behind in the workbook, we have completed pages 91-94 (only the first activity on p.94) and p.96 workbook.  We will wrap up the workbook on Monday and Tuesday along with preparing for the Hot Seat (speaking part of the test).  Keep working hard!

p.93 workbook; p.96 workbook; writing piece and study vocabulary on p.275!

Yesterday, we reviewed the present progressive during class and completed workbook p.93 (will review the second activity today).  Today, we will look at the past progressive and complete workbook p.96 during class as well as play a vocabulary game with our words on p.275.  You will get your definitions and lists back today so practice those. . . and, don’t forget about the writing piece that is due on Friday (your peer’s future/profession that you envision for him/her).  Keep up the good work!

pages 91-92 workbook

Yesterday, we discussed the workbook pages that are due on Friday (pages 91 and 92–on p.92, only the first activity as we will do the other activity during class on Friday).  There was also more time to work on the vocabulary which is due on Monday at the beginning of class (p.275–write the Spanish, English and then a definition in Spanish for it).

p.275 vocabulary due next Monday (9/16)

Yesterday, we picked up our textbooks and discussed some changes from Spanish 3 to Spanish 4.  We decided to draw names for the vocabulary on p.275.  The expectations are that you divide up the vocabulary list and copies will be made of your partner’s list so you have a complete list (Spanish and English, with a Spanish definition or if it’s a grey word, use it in a sentence/question correctly).  This vocabulary will be due at the beginning of class on Monday, September 16th.  You can still receive a couple of bonus points if you choose to draw pictures and add color to those drawings.

Work on your “bio-poema!”

During class on Thursday, you received a handout to begin the rough draft of your “bio-poema.”  Your rough draft is due tomorrow at the beginning of class (just fill in the blanks on the handout that was given to you).  On Friday, we will be discussing what the final draft should look like and include (your bio-poema on the front with pictures representing each line, a picture of yourself on the front and then on the back side, a paragraph that puts the whole “bio-poema” together and includes any additional details).  The “bio-poemas” are due next Tuesday, September 10th (we will present, share and decorate the room with them).

Syllabus for EHS and LCC

Below, you will find a copy of the syllabus for Spanish 4 and 5 (click on the link), which includes the one for the high school as well as the one that corresponds with LCC for the College Now credit.  The parent/guardian signature page is due Monday, September 9th (your first assignment).

Spanish 4 syllabus and Supplemental syllabus for College Now 201


Spanish 5 syllabus and Supplemental syllabus for College Now 202
