
Fern Ridge School District
April 3, 2020
Special Education Services Guidance During COVID-19 Closure

Students with a Disability Receiving Individualized Education Program (IEP Services)
Districts will begin providing the provisions of FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) on April 13. Case managers will be contacting families to discuss the districts extended School Closure Guidance Plan and what supports are needed for students eligible for special education services. Communication between case managers and parents/families/caregivers will be very important to the success a student experiences.

Providing SDI (Specially Designed Instruction)
Providing SDI means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of each student, the content, methodology or delivery of instruction. At this time of Extended School Closure the general curriculum becomes the district’s Extended school Closure Guidance Plan.

Must the District conduct an IEP for each student?
No, case managers will not need to hold an IEP team meeting for every student. For some students, school placement could be considered, but the general education move to Distance Learning Plans does not require a change in placement for a student with an IEP. If we are able to implement the IEP as written with minor changes (such as changes to the minutes and how services are being delivered), case managers will document with a Prior Written Notice (PWN)

The extended School Closure and Conducting IEP’s
IEP’s being held during the closure will be done so remotely. This could be via the phone or through video conferencing.

How will Case Managers Obtain Signatures?
In many cases case managers will email parents to obtain a signature. An email may look like the following:
Please let this email serve as my signature for attendance/participation/consent to initial provision of services. I verify that I _______ parent/guardian of _______ attended/participated by ___________ (phone or virtual meeting) in the IEP/Eligibility meeting for my student on _____ (date).

IEP’s and Dates of Services
At this point we do not know when a return to school will occur. IEP’s must include the projected date for the beginning of special education and related services. Projected means proposed so there is flexibility. A projected start date could be written, “This service is projected to start on the first day school resumes and children are in attendance at school for instructional purposes.”