pages 17-18 workbook due Wednesday

Today, you will be doing a writing activity on a person drawn from the bag (one woman and one man) for 15 minutes on each.  You will be sharing in groups and selecting one you think was most creative for some candy.  Then, we will discuss (more in-depth tomorrow) some review pages out of the workbook that are due on Wednesday (pages 17-18 with the imperfect tense).  Keep working hard during this short week!

pages 15-16 workbook (activity 12 is optional)

Today, we went over p.14 in the workbook.  Then, we discussed “ser” and “estar” which is on p.40 in the book.  This is a review concept; however, it’s still good to practice since they are both common verbs and mean the same thing.  Then, we played a game with our new vocabulary on p.53.

p.14 workbook

Today, we finished culture presentations and sharing about the Unidad 1 Cultural Opener.  Then, in the same groups, we split up the “En Contexto” and shared about different “stereotypes.”  Workbook page 14 is due Thursday at the beginning of class (choose two friends to describe and complete activity 8 in the present tense–naming four students with personality and physical descriptions).

Etapa Preliminar exam on Tuesday/Wednesday; culture project presentations on Thursday/Friday!

Today, we took test notes to be prepare for next week’s test (if you were absent, be sure to get them from someone).  Then, we did a vocabulary handout game.  Monday will be your last workday for your culture project.  Tuesday will be sections A and B of the test, and the rest will be on Wednesday.  Your group culture project and presentation is due on Thursday and we will have presentations over Thursday and Friday.  Keep working hard!

Workbook due Friday; listening activities on Wednesday

Today, we will work on some present tense and past tense communication activities.  There will also be time to complete the assigned workbook pages/activities–you will submit your workbook on Friday to be considered on time.  We will complete the listening activities during class tomorrow and your last day in the lab is on Thursday to work on the culture project.  Keep up the good work!

pages 1-10 workbook; culture project

Yesterday, you received your workbook and we discussed what activities we would be doing (review) from pages 1-10 in the workbook.  Some activities were crossed out while others were adjusted and some were for during class like the listening activities.  We will review and submit these toward the end of next week, so make sure you use the class time I give you to work on it so you don’t create a bunch of homework.  Also, we looked at an example of a culture project and talked about the key points that need to be in it including a citations page (MLA or APA format, not just the link).  Tomorrow will be our first project workday (meet in Lab 10).

Work on your “cartelito!”

Toward the end of class on Thursday, you received a handout to begin creating your “cartelito.”  By tomorrow/Friday, hopefully you will have your rough draft completed so we can review the expectations of what your final copy should look like (your name with adjectives–refer to the handout as an example, pictures representing each adjective and a paragraph (in Spanish) on the back side to explain why you chose those adjectives and a brief introduction of yourself).  Don’t forget to bring a picture of yourself to place on the front. . . we will be decorating the room next week with them.  The finished “cartelito” is due on Tuesday, September 10th at the beginning of class (present and share).