
May 15th thru May 19th FRMS students will be participating in a series of sexual abuse prevention classes during their Social Studies class. Required by Senate Bill 856 otherwise known as Erin’s Law, these classes focus on helping students recognize their own power in preventing child sexual abuse, the red flags to look for, and what to do if they or someone they know is in an abusive situation. We will be using “Personal Power” which is part of the Safer Smarter Teens curriculum put out by Lauren’s Kids. Here is the link to their website:

Attached to this post is a summary of each lesson and the objectives for that lesson for parents and families to review. Families are also welcome to review the entire curriculum in the school office. We encourage families with questions to review the information provided and/or stop by to review the full curriculum.

Families can opt their child out of these important lessons by contacting their child’s Social Studies Teacher in writing and asking for an alternative assignment.


Personal Power Parent Summaries and Objectives

Prevención del abuso sexual Información para padres

Sex Abuse Parent Letter_Spanish

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