
Registration Information

Registration for returning students who will be in first through fifth grade at Veneta during the 2014-2015 school year has begun. Yesterday we sent home a packet with each student. The packet included a student verification form that parents need to correct and update as well as other school forms including medical information and transportation. All parents need to do is update and/or complete the forms and send them back to school with their child. Registration forms are due back by June 6th.

Parents who return the forms by June 6th will not need to come to registration in August and those children will be enrolled for next year. Parents who do not  return the forms by June 6th will need to come to August registration August 19th, 20th, or 21st. Returning students must be registered before the first day of school in the fall.

Last year was the first year we offered parents this easier option for registration so they  avoid the hassle of having to come to August registration. Over 90% of our parents completed the forms by June 6th and the feedback was overwhelming that parents preferred this method. This year we are shooting for 100% of the forms returned by June 6th so please help us meet our goal. If you have any questions about registration please feel free to ask.

If your child will not be at Veneta next year, there is a form in the packet for that. Please fill that out and return it. Getting as accurate a number of returning students as we can really helps us in planning classes for next year.

As always, thank you for your support.

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Phone: (541) 935-8225

88131 Territorial Road
Veneta Oregon 97487

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