Monthly Archives: November 2017

AP Lang: warm up, continue Crucible Act 1

HW: Crucible Act 1 q. 7-19, AOW and “Women” q. due tomorrow, submit final draft by tomorrow


English 2: DGP, satire notes cont., read Animal Farm ch. 1

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, podcast choose and listen

HW: journal due tomorrow

AP Lang: warm up, Crucible Act 1 cont.

HW: Act 1 q. 4-6, AOW and “Women” due Friday, submit final draft by Friday


English 2: Animal Farm historical context: The Russian Revolution

HW: Russian Revolution q. 1-10


Creative Writing: warm up, podcast notes: The Allusionist “Ban the Pun”

HW: journal due Friday

AP Lang: warm up, begin Crucible

HW: Crucible Act 1 q. 1-3, AOW due Friday, “Women” questions due Friday, submit essay for assessment by Friday


English 2: warm up, Unpacking Fables due, notes: understanding satire

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, timed writing #10 due, timed writing #11, podcast notes cont.

HW: journal due Friday

AP Lang: warm up, “Superman” due, revise Scarlet Letter essays, book check out

HW: AOW due Fri., “Women” due Fri.


English 2: DGP, intro to Animal Farm, allegory notes

HW: Unpacking Fables wksht.


Creative Writing: warm up, intro to Podcast project, timed writing #10

HW: journal due Fri.

AP Lang: warm up, Scarlet Letter first drafts- share with me today, “Superman” questions due

HW: AOW due 12/1


English 2: language study p. 91 1-9 (groups), read “The Open Window” and finish irony and paradox wksht.

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, personal narrative final drafts: revise and submit

HW: journal due 12/1

AP Lang: warm up, Scarlet Letter essays- type

HW: AOW due 12/1, “Superman” questions due at the end of the period tomorrow


English 2: argument paragraph due, notes: irony and paradox, read “Like the Sun” w/questions

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, personal narratives: revise and submit to Google Classroom for assessment

HW: journal due 12/1

AP Lang: warm up, AOW due, Scarlet Letter rhetorical analysis

HW: first draft due Mon., AOW due 12/1


English 2: DGP, performance task sources 2 and 4, begin argument paragraph

HW: argument paragraph due Mon.


Creative Writing: warm up, journal due, personal narratives- share 1 today

HW: journal due 12/1

AP Lang: warm up, Scarlet Letter ch. 13 annotations due, intro to Scarlet Letter rhetorical analysis prompt

HW: AOW due tomorrow


English 2: DGP, performance task sources 2-3 notes and discussion

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, personal narratives cont. (need 3 by Friday)

HW: journal due tomorrow

AP Lang: warm up, “One Love” questions due, YGB essay work time

HW: Scarlet Letter ch. 13 excerpt annotation due tomorrow, AOW due Fri.


English 2: juvenile justice performance task source 1

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, personal narratives (must have three by Friday)

HW: journal due Fri.

AP Lang: warm up, YGB essay revision cont.

HW: “One Love” wksht due tomorrow, AOW due Fri.


English 2: warm up, vocab/verb tense wksht due, finish “A Problem” w/characterization questions, begin juvenile justice performance task

no homework


Creative Writing: warm up, personal narratives cont. (need three by Friday)

HW: journal due Fri.