Monthly Archives: February 2018

AP Lang: warm up, Health Survey

HW: AOW due Thurs., “American Scholar” w/q.1-4 (read), q.1-4 (write) due Thurs.


World Lit: warm up, “Old Man” analytical paragraph and annotations

HW: R to the R due Thurs.


English 2: DPG, LOTF ch. 12 discussion, themes analysis (workbook pages 37-38)

HW: AOW due Thurs., LOTF final project due 3/7

AP Lang: warm up, intro to Thoreau (biography and NYT article)

HW: AOW due Thurs., “American Scholar” p. 379 w/questions 1-4 (read) and 1-4 (write) due Thurs.


World Lit: warm up, “Old Man with Wings” analytical paragraphing

HW: R to the R due Thurs.


English 10: DGP, read LOTF ch. 12

HW: finish ch. 12, workbook pages 35-36, AOW due Thurs.

AP Lang: warm up, AOW due, “Self-Reliance” annotations and analysis questions due, “Goodbye” multiple choice passage

HW: AOW due Thurs., “American Scholar” (Writing America p. 379-395 read 1-4, write 1-4) due Thurs.


World Lit: warm up, R to the R due, “Christmas Rolls” discussion, read and annotate “Very Old Man”

HW: R to the R due Thurs.


English 2: DGP, AOW due, LOTF workbook p. 31, read ch. 11

HW: finish ch. 11, workbook pages 33-34 due Monday, AOW due Thurs.

AP Lang: warm up, “Self-Reliance” annotation and questions cont.

HW: “Self-Reliance” due Friday, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, N. America assessment due,  “Christmas Rolls” reading and annotation

HW: R to the R due Friday


English 2: DGP, read LOTF ch. 10

HW: LOTF workbook p. 32 1-5

AP Lang: warm up, “Self Reliance” discussion

HW: continue “Self Reliance” q. 10-12, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, intro to South America

HW: N. America assessment due tomorrow,  R to the R due Friday


English 2: DGP, LOTF ch. 8 discussion, read ch. 9

HW: LOTF workbook pages 29-30, AOW due Friday


AP Lang: warm up, AOW due, “Nature” due, “Self-Reliance” full text analysis cont.

HW: “Self-Reliance” paragraphs 1-7 summary and annotation, analysis questions 1-9, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, R to R due, discussion: Mango Street 31-44

HW: N. America assessment due Wed., R to R due Friday


English 2: DGP, AOW due,  LOTF ch. 7 discussion, read ch. 8

HW: finish ch. 8, workbook pages 27-28, AOW due Friday


AP Lang: warm up, “Self-Reliance” multiple choice- correct, read “Self-Reliance” full text with rhetorical analysis

HW: AOW due tomorrow, “Nature” annotations due tomorrow


World Lit: warm up, work time: House on Mango Street 31-44

HW: R to R due tomorrow, N. America assessment due Wednesday


English 2: DGP, LOTF ch. 6 discussion, read ch. 7

HW: workbook pages 25-26 due tomorrow, AOW due tomorrow

AP Lang: warm up, “Self-Reliance” questions w/partner

HW: “Nature” due Friday, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, Mango St. 21-30 discussion

HW: R to R due Friday, N. America assessment due Tuesday


English 2: “Fear” activity w/partner (workbook p. 22), read LOTF chapter 6

HW: workbook p. 24 q. 1-5, AOW due Friday

AP Lang: warm up, read “Self Reliance” w/study questions, discuss “Nature” paragraphs 1-9

HW: finish “Nature” by Friday, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, work time: House on Mango St., N. America assessment

HW: HOMS q. 21-30 due Wed., R to R due Friday, N. America assessment due Tues.


English 2: DGP, LOTF ch. 5 discussion, workbook p. 20, ch. 5 exit slip

HW: finish workbook p. 20, AOW due Friday

AP Lang: warm up, “Common Sense” multiple choice cont., intro to Transcendentalism: video

HW: annotate “Nature” paragraphs 5-9, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, “Public Spaces” discussion, read and annotate “Indian Education,” intro to North America assessment

HW: R to R due Friday


English 2: DGP, read LOTF ch. 5, workbook p. 19

HW: finish p. 19, AOW due Friday