Monthly Archives: April 2018

AP Lang: SBAC/finish “Frederick Douglass” annotations, intro to rhetorical analysis essay

HW: AOW due tomorrow


World Lit: warm up, Things Fall Apart ch. 10 with summary/analysis

HW: R to the R due tomorrow


English 2: DGP, finish “Dead Man’s Pockets” analyzing conflict p. 127 1-3

HW: AOW due tomorrow



World Lit: warm up, read Things Fall Apart ch. 9

HW: R to the R due Friday


English 2: begin “Dead Man’s Pockets” (p. 110)

HW: AOW due Friday



World Lit: warm up, read Things Fall Apart ch. 8 and complete summary and analysis

HW: R to the R due Friday


English 2: DGP, “Civil Peace” character analysis paragraph

HW: AOW due Friday




World Lit: warm up, read and discuss Things Fall Apart ch. 7

HW: R to the R due Friday


English 2: DGP, research project due, read “Civil Peace” p. 54

HW: AOW due Friday

AP Lang: DGP, AOW due, discuss Frederick Douglass ch. 5-7, SBAC practice test

HW: read ch. 8-10, ch. 10 summary, AOW due Friday


World Lit: warm up, R to the R due, read and annotate Things Fall Apart ch. 6

HW: R to the R due Friday


English 2: DGP, AOW due, research project: last work session

HW: upload research project by Monday, AOW due Friday

AP Lang: DGP, Frederick Douglass ch. 2-4 discussion, correct “Violence” multiple choice practice

HW: read and annotate ch. 5-7, AOW due tomorrow


World Lit: warm up, Things Fall Apart ch. 4 discussion, read and annotate ch. 5-6

HW: R to the R due tomorrow


English 2: DGP, research project: works cited page

HW: AOW due tomorrow

AP Lang: DGP, Frederick Douglass ch. 1 discussion, “Violence” multiple choice practice

HW: Frederick Douglass ch. 2-4, AOW due Thurs.


World Lit: warm up, Things Fall Apart ch. 1-3 discussion, read ch. 4

HW: finish ch. 4, R to the R due Thurs.


English 2: DGP, research project: writing an effective introduction and conclusion

HW: AOW due Thurs.

AP Lang: DGP, “Assimilation” multiple choice, intro to Frederick Douglass

HW: read preface, letter, chapter 1 tonight, AOW due Thursday


World Lit: warm up, intro to Chinua Achebe, read Things Fall Apart ch. 1-3 w/annotations

HW: finish annotations if needed, R to the R due Thursday


English 2: DGP, research project: get organized

HW: AOW due Thursday