Special Programs


Special Programs

24936 Fir Grove Lane, Building B, Elmira, OR
Phone: 541-935-7733 Fax: 541-935-0613

Welcome to the Fern Ridge Special Programs Department!

Through our office, you will find resource related to the following programs:

Please reach out to our office if you need assistance under any of these programs, or have related questions.

Click here to access the 2024 Direction Service Summer Directory. This annual resource contains recreation, respite, support, and service opportunities that families of children with disabilities can access. We encourage Spanish-speaking families to call the Direction Service office at (541) 686-5060 for assistance locating summer programs for children with special needs.

Additional resources for youth and families available through Directions Services can be found on their website here: https://www.directionservice.org/familyresources

The Oregon Tax Code provides an additional tax exemption for parents of eligible children with disabilities in Oregon.

Who qualifies for the exemption?

A child qualifies if he or she meets all of the following criteria:

  • Qualifies as a dependent of the parent(s) for tax year 2023;
  • Is eligible for early intervention services (birth to age 3), early childhood special education services (ages 3 to 5) or receives special education as defined by the State Board of Education of the state where the child attends school; and,
  • Is considered to have a disability as of December 31, 2023 under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related Oregon laws.

What documentation must be submitted with the tax return to qualify for this exemption?

As the tax instruction booklet indicates, the child must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), as well as a current eligibility statement as a student with a disability. If you do not have these documents contact your District for a copy of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet, and eligibility statement. Copies of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet and eligibility statement are not required to be submitted with the tax return. However, parents are advised to retain a copy with their 2023 tax records as the Oregon Department of Revenue may ask the parents to provide such documentation. If you have any Special Education related questions, please contact your local education provider.

Oregon Department of Revenue Online Instructions and Forms

For further information and assistance in completing Oregon tax forms, consult a tax professional or contact the Oregon Department of Revenue at 1-800-356-4222. Oregon income tax forms/publications are available at the DOR website (www.oregon.gov/DOR). That process will allow you to claim the additional tax exemption for the 2023 year.

Please find the attached 2023 Direction Service Summer Directory. This annual resource contains recreation, respite, support, and service opportunities that families of children with disabilities can access. We encourage Spanish-speaking families to call the Direction Service office at (541) 686-5060 for assistance locating summer programs for children with special needs.

Direction Services Client Resource Guide 2023

Please find the attached 2022 Direction Service Summer Directory. This annual resource contains recreation, respite, support, and service opportunities that families of children with disabilities can access. We encourage Spanish-speaking families to call the Direction Service office at (541) 686-5060 for assistance locating summer programs for children with special needs.

Direction Service Summer Directory 2022

“Providing excellence for every student so that each will reach their greatest potential”

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires all school districts to locate, evaluate, and provide services for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school age children between the ages of birth and twenty-one, who may have a disability. The Fern Ridge School District is seeking your assistance in locating any children in the district who are in need of, but currently not receiving special services. Parents, guardians, staff members, or anyone who knows of a child that they believe has a disability can refer a child for a possible evaluation.

Direction Service is offering activities, camps and services during the summer season to youth and families with disabilities. For more information on all the different events that are being offered, visit them online at:


Northwest Disability Support (NWDSA) have two upcoming online Fighting COVID: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine sessions. One of the sessions is in Spanish (2/10/2021, 4-6PM) and the other is for individuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) (ages 16+) (2/18/2021, 3-5PM). There are flyers that can be shared attached to this email. More information and registration is available at: https://www.abicommunity.org/events/event/2021/02/18/fighting-covid-understanding-the-covid-19-vaccine/324099. Questions about the Fighting COVID sessions should be sent to Kate Williams-Paul (phone: 503-238-0522).

NWDSA also wanted to help get the information out that the following groups of people are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine now:

Students experiencing IDD who are old enough [at least 16 for Pfizer; at least 18 for Moderna (source)];
Parents, caregivers, and siblings of individuals of any age experiencing IDD, and;
Paid and unpaid people providing support for individuals experiencing IDD (e.g., personal support workers, healthcare personnel).

Further information about the vaccine is available on: https://covidvaccine.oregon.gov/ and information specific about individuals who experience IDD is available in this message from ODDS. Specific questions about the vaccines are best routed to: COVID19.Vaccine@dhsoha.state.or.us.

2020 Tax Exemption for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The Oregon Tax Code provides an additional tax exemption for parents of eligible children with disabilities in Oregon. The procedure for claiming an exemption for the 2020 tax year is explained in the Oregon Individual Income Tax Return and Instruction booklets.

Who qualifies for the exemption?

A child qualifies if he or she meets all of the following criteria:

Qualifies as a dependent of the parent(s) for tax year 2020;
Is eligible for early intervention services (birth to age 3), early childhood special education services (ages 3 to 5) or receives special education as defined by the State Board of Education of the state where the child attends school; and,
Is considered to have a disability as of December 31, 2020 under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related Oregon laws.

What documentation must be submitted with the tax return to qualify for this exemption?

As the tax instruction booklet indicates, the child must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), as well as a current eligibility statement as a student with a disability. If you do not have these documents contact your District for a copy of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet, and eligibility statement. Copies of the IEP/IFSP cover sheet and eligibility statement are not required to be submitted with the tax return. However, parents are advised to retain a copy with their 2020 tax records as the Oregon Department of Revenue may ask the parents to provide such documentation. If you have any Special Education related questions, please contact your local education provider.

Oregon Department of Revenue Online Instructions and Forms

For further information and assistance in completing Oregon tax forms, consult a tax professional or contact the Oregon Department of Revenue at 1-800-356-4222. Oregon income tax forms/publications are available at the DOR website (www.oregon.gov/DOR). That process will allow you to claim the additional tax exemption for the 2020 year.