Lisa Leatham, Principal

    Auction Theme Basket The 13th Annual VES School Auction is just around the corner (April 9th). Over the next few weeks, we are asking all parents to help us make this year’s auction a huge success by donating to class theme baskets. Each grade level has a theme and we are asking parents to donate items that fit that theme. You can donate small items, large items, gift cards, etc- everything is welcome and everything helps contribute to our auction.

Fifth Grade:  Green Thumb or Gardening. Donations might  include items for the garden, garden tools, gloves, watering cans, seeds, service gift certificates, etc. 

Fourth Grade (Including Guill): Book Club!  Donations might include books for all ages, cookbooks, chocolates or snacks, book light, book marks, or maybe a gift card to a book store.

Third Grade: Coffee and Tea!  Donations might include different varieties of coffee, coffee cups, coffee gift cards, biscotti, teas, travel mugs, etc.

Second Grade: Baking! Donations might include cookie sheets, cookie ingredients or mixes, bowls, wooden spoons, baking tools, measuring cups, cookie cutters, cookbooks, etc.

First Grade: A Day at the Beach! Donations might include towels, shovels, buckets, sand toys, sunglasses, beach balls, Frisbee, beach umbrella, cooler, etc.

Kindergarten: Movie Night! Donations might include DVDs, popcorn, blanket, snacks, gift certificates for the movie theater.

Please help by donating any of these items or other things you think might fit the theme. Each classroom has a basket waiting for you to help fill it.

Donations to any of the baskets from parents at any grade level are definitely welcome.

We are also accepting other donations of other items that can be included in our oral or silent auction from individuals or businesses. These can include gift cards or gift certificates for services. We hope to have all donations in by March 21st.

Please plan on joining us for the 13th Annual Auction on April 9th. In addition to the items donated in the class baskets, the silent and oral auction will include  Disneyland Tickets, Oregon State Football tickets, Sisters Rodeo tickets, and much more. A highlight of the auction will be the class art projects that will be up for bid in the oral auction. The quality of these the class projects are amazing. In previous years we’ve had beautiful quilts, tapestry wall hangings, adorable art work, paintings, etc.

Thanks again to Angie Trent and Calllie Johnson and all of their committee members for the energy and effort they are putting into this year’s auction.


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