

boy crossing finish lineboy crossing finish line

Our Jog-A-Thon is a great way to have fun and raise money for our school. Funds will go to support great activities for our students including Outdoor School and Field Trips. The Jog-A-Thon is about raising money for our school, but its also a lot of fun for our students and families.

Students raise money for the Jog-A-Thon by asking family, friends, and people they know to sponsor them. Then on October 26th, each class will take to the track for 30 minutes of walking, running, skipping, and just moving to fun music. Parents and other family members are invited to join their child on the track or just simply cheer from the sidelines. Thanks to PALS, guests at our Jog-A-Thon this year will again include some of our community heroes like police officers, firefighters, doctors, etc.

Students can earn prizes for raising money for our school. Below is a list of the prizes for the 2016 Jog-A-Thon:

    • $20 Students will get an extra recess.
    • $50 Students will get to participate in a Bingo Party with great prizes and lots of fun
    • $100 Students will get a special “Drive In Movie” experience during the school day where they will walk to the library to watch a movie and enjoy popcorn and other treats on the big screen in the Konnie Room.
    • $200 Students will enjoy a special event at Putters featuring Laser Tag or Cosmic Bowling with our principal Ms. Johnson. Students can choose Laser Tag if they meet the height requirement or the always fun Cosmic Bowling if they would rather bowl. Parents must transport. Pizza is included.
  • Plus every student who participates in the Jog-A-Thon on October 26th will be entered into a drawing for great prizes just for jogging or walking or skipping or just moving the entire 30 minutes.


  • The class that raises the most money as a class will get a class ice cream party.


Schedule for October 26th:

8:10  1st/2nd

8:40  Kindergarten

9:15 4th Grade

9:50 5th Grade

12:00 3rd Grade

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Phone: (541) 935-8225

88131 Territorial Road
Veneta Oregon 97487

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