
In early September, the week before students came back, all staff at EHS participated in a 1/2 day safety training given by local law enforcement.  The training introduced a “protocol” that is becoming the standard for all Lane County Schools.  Having this “common” training allows students that change Districts, or simply move up from Elementary to Middle to High School to have been trained the same way all the time, K-12.  In addition, it ensures that substitute teachers that are in buildings need to know only one process/procedure, rather than a different one for each building.  Today during homeroom time, all EHS students were introduced to this training/protocol.  The acronym for this protocol is called A.L.I.C.E., which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evade. (You could search the acronym on the internet for more information). On Monday, the last 5 minutes of each class period, students will be discussing how this acronym relates to each classroom.  For example, what are the quickest routes to leave campus from different classrooms, what items in the room could be used to counter an aggressor, and what items can be used to barricade a door.  Please feel free to discuss the information/training your student received today with them. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the school.

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