Hello Parents,
We recognize that creating a safe learning environment is a critical part of helping each child achieve academic success. This year we will introduce the Safe Oregon Tip Line, a new system that students can use to report school safety threats. Safe Oregon will give your child another medium for communicating with our school administration when school safety incidents occur.
How does the Safe Oregon Tip Line work?
Students can access the Safe Oregon system through the link below, or they may go directly to the safeoregon.com web site. Tips can be submitted through the web form on the Safe Oregon web site, or by text, email, live call and mobile app.
Why is there a need for a tip line system?
The number one reason why children do not report is the fear of retaliation from their peers. The Safe Oregon Tip Line can be accessed from the privacy of a phone, home computer or other Internet equipped device, eliminating the possibility of being identified by another student and thus, increasing the likelihood that a school safety threat would go unreported.
I encourage you to learn more about the Tip Line by visiting the Safe Oregon web site at www.safeoregon.com
Rick Gardner
Principal, Elmira High School