Parent Resources
Tips on Virtual Learning: Setting Student Expectations
Edgenuity Help for Families
Students prepare by:
■ Engaging in distance learning offered by their teachers.

■ Ensuring that they know the usernames and passwords for instructional resources that are accessible via the district portal and/or website.

■ Asking teachers for help when needed.

■ Collaborating with other students in their classrooms.

■ Planning their schedules for each school day to help decrease stress.

■ Submitting assignments to meet any set deadlines.

■ Giving their very best effort each day.

Teachers prepare by:
■Planning instructional resources, assignments and materials through the virtual classroom.

■Deciding how to organize the “classroom”.

■Setting specific time in their day to provide feedback and connect with students as they progress in their learning.

■Participating in group professional learning and attending virtual learning sessions intended to support distance learning.

■Keeping parents/guardians informed about the progress of their students.

■Ensuring that they are monitoring District communication and following district policies and procedures.

■Collaborating with colleagues in shared content areas or grade levels to provide expert & differentiated instruction.

Families prepare by:
■Establishing communication channels through the virtual classroom to receive updates on assignments and progress!

■Identifying a learning space and time for asynchronous distance learning to take place.

■Monitoring District communication for up-to-date information regarding instructional plans and developments.

■Ensuring students are safe and responsible with technology.

■Reviewing the appropriate grade-level information linked within the District website.

■Communicating any questions, concerns, or ideas to the teacher.

■Reaching out to teachers to ensure correct students’ usernames and passwords for instructional resources. ■Attending (at least virtually) regular communication opportunities with the program and the teacher.