Monthly Archives: March 2016


Here is some fun for you to see…the Country Fair awarded the Elmira Elementary School a grant to learn to dance…. to HIP HOP Dance… and the kids loved it.  I apologize for the photographer [that would be me]…. I did have a clear view at one point but waited until some very happy and lucky parents wanted to get closer to take pictures.  I decided to try and learn how to post my own video on my page.  Well, I finally figured it out… Please enjoy.  Thank you to the Country Fair.  Thank you to the wonderful teachers at Elmira Elementary who work so hard to give our students book learning AND life learning AND some good old fashioned fun.  Thanks to their fine, young principal Jackie Turle – much too young to retire.  We are all going to miss her- that’s for sure.  Here are the kids!!!


                      Exiting things for Children 0-6
First of all, let me begin by reminding my readers that this column is my opinion and my opinion only. By that I mean that I am not speaking for the board merely making observations about educational topics and asking for your perspective and input. I am so pleased to see that we have secured several valued grants to help our youngest community members and their families. I wanted to share with you the fantastic work done recently to offer these programs. Superintendent Storm heard of these possibilities and enlisted the very able assistance of our busy Principal from Veneta Elementary School. Dr. Storm knew that Olivia Johnson’s strong wishes to serve this population would get us the grants, and it did. Only through Olivia’s hard work and perseverance to get the grant paperwork done did that happen however, and we learned of her and our success late last calendar year. I asked Olivia to write a piece describing her burgeoning program as she knows it best. The information that follows is from her.

                        Fern Ridge Family Resource Center
Fern Ridge School District is pleased to announce the opening of their Family Resource Center, located at Veneta Elementary School, and the hiring of Angie Trent as our Family Resource Coordinator. The Family Resource Center will provide services to all families with children 0 to 6 living within the Fern Ridge School District. The Family Resource Center is made possible by a grant from the Lane Early Learning Alliance through the United Way.
There are three main goals for the Family Resource Center: increasing kindergarten readiness while helping families transition into kindergarten, provide referrals and information to families about services for families within Lane County, and increase parent involvement in their children’s education.
The Family Resource Center will be open every Wednesday from 9 AM to Noon. In addition, Angie is planning activities for families with young children. There will be a special playdate on March 9th featuring a visit from a local law enforcement officer. We are also planning kindergarten orientation activities including a Kindergarten Information Night on March 31st for families who have children who will be attending Kindergarten at Veneta Elementary School in the fall. Other planned activities include an Early Literacy night, Math Nights at both elementary schools, social events for families, school tours for incoming kindergarten students, and much more.
Angie is also open to ideas and input from the community about what they would like to see our Family Resource Center offer. For more information either stop by on a Wednesday from 9 to noon or contact Angie at 541-935-8225 ext. 418

                       KITS (Kids In Transition To School)
We are also excited to announce that this summer, the Fern Ridge School District will be able to offer a KITS (Kids In Transition To School) Program for incoming kindergarten students and their families. KITS is recognized as one of the most effective strategies for preparing young children and their families for the transition into kindergarten. Our KITS program is made possible by a grant through United Way and funded by the Social Innovation Fund of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
What is KITS? KITS provides a preschool like experience for eight weeks in July and August before Kindergarten starts. Taught by specially trained staff, each KITS session is two hours long and they meet twice a week. The curriculum focuses on social/emotional skills as well as academic skills. In the KITS Program students learn to take turns, to share, to delay gratification, to work with other students, to express their feelings positively instead of melting down- all of the emotional and social skills that will help them to be successful in a school setting. In addition, KITS teaches students early literacy and numeracy skills. All of this is done through fun music, art, and literature.
In addition to the sessions for children, an important component of KITS is outreach and support to parents. Parent sessions (with food and childcare provided) help guide parents through discussions of how to support their children as they grow socially, emotionally, and academically. Parents learn from each other how to handle temper tantrums, how to help their child make friends, how to help children persevere when they are frustrated, etc.
Once school starts in September, KITS classes will continue to happen once a week to help students and families make the transition into school. In October, students will participate in a graduation ceremony where family and friends can celebrate their accomplishments and what they have learned in the KITS program.
There is no cost for the KITS program. Transportation is provided. Childcare is provided during the parent/family sessions. Each KITS class is limited to between 15 and 20 students. Fern Ridge School District is still in the process of finalizing the logistical details, but we are taking names and enrollment information of families who have children entering kindergarten who want to take advantage of this program. Contact Angie Trent at 541-935-8225 ext. 418 to get your child’s name on the list.

My thanks go out to Olivia for writing an excellent article giving us the exciting news for our community. As always feel free to contact me at

I leave you with this Chinese Proverb which is true for this fast moving world we live in:

“Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.”

We all grow when our little ones do. Until next time- have a great week.  3/10/16in Fern Ridge Review