School District News


Twinkle Morton, Chair of School Board

In August, the school board held a retreat- we did the normal amount of housekeeping things and worked on issues that are facing or will/could soon face the district.  One of the many important things we did was discuss the difference between what the Board does and what the Superintendent does.  I get many comments and letters that suggest that some of you will benefit from hearing what we did with this and seeing the difference.

It comes down to something far too simple in one way:  The board decides WHAT needs to be done and the Superintendent decides HOW it will be achieved.  So that is the footprint and here are the particulars.

The board supervises and evaluates the Superintendent’s job performance.  In addition, early in the year [August] the vision and the goals are firmed up and put on paper.  Through the year, the board works on policies, the budget, monitors progress toward goals, advocates for the staff, the community and the students.  Another thing that the board does is approves contracts that are evaluated and negotiated through the Superintendent.

The Superintendent hires and trains the staff while developing action plans to best serve the students in the district.  The Superintendent deals with regulations [federal, state and local] while maintaining a close eye on the expenditures.  The Superintendent is the biggest advocate for the district and for the staff and students and is responsible for employee relations, negotiating contracts and evaluations of all staff.  Another duty is reporting progress toward board goals and bringing any potential issues to the board for their preparation.

This is all very simplistically put but basically these are the duties the board and the Superintendent perform for you.  I am hoping over the next few years to continue the increase in interest in serving on the board.  Our last election saw four people vying for the one open position.  All of the candidates were eager to serve our community, and I hope that as positions open up and at the next election, people will step up and run.  You do not need to wait for an open position!!!

I would like to share with you some of the ways I keep in touch other than attending all the board meetings.  I read our local paper.  The Fern Ridge Review is an inexpensive weekly paper that will keep you up-to-date on the goings on within the district and sports as well as many other important pieces of community information.  I subscribe as it is way cheaper than paying 75 cents each week and more importantly, I often forget to pick it up.  It is mailed to my home for $34 a year- a savings of $5- and I don’t ‘forget’ to pick it up.  The reason I am suggesting you subscribe is local papers such as yours offer you a chance to be in the know and to, more importantly, have a voice.  There was a strong article in the September 5, 2017 paper on the back page that explains that very well.  You can read it here:

Strong local reporters such as Scottie Barnes, Edie Moro, Michelle Ossowski, Joan Mariner, and Sandra Larson report on happenings within our community and reporters from nearby report on their areas as well.  Walton is represented by DW Northey and Lorane by Pat Edwards.  There are occasional updates from the school board chair [me] and a place for letters from YOU.  So please consider being more informed and getting more active in your community.  Your future property values and children/grandchildren’s futures depend on it.

I want to let you know that I am now posting events at the different schools on my Twitter account which is dedicated to announcing our school events [mostly- I admit occasionally I sneak in something that effects education.]  You can find me on Twitter  @TAMnOregon    Follow me and get regular reminders of events in your community schools.

I leave you with this thought from Aristotle:  It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.  We hear many ideas and other thoughts… consider wisely.  As always, this video for thoughts on glacier melt

Please continue to write to me at and read my articles- maybe even follow me on Twitter @TAMnOregon.  I hope to reach new readers so share with your friends and loved ones.   Until next time-

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