Monthly Archives: November 2016

School District Questions and Answers –

With board chair- Twinkle Ann Morton

First of all, let me begin by reminding my readers that this column is my opinion and my opinion only.  By that I mean I am not speaking for the board- merely making observations about educational topics and asking for your perspective and input.  I joined the School Board in August of 2008.  I was chair previously from 2012-2014.  My elected term expires the end of June in 2019.

Your District Administration Building

As you likely have noticed, repairs are being done on the building across from the Fern Ridge Middle School which currently holds the heart of our District.  This building, which we call the District Administration Building, was originally constructed in 1912.  The building was first utilized as an elementary school until 1964, and even today, they entertain local people who return to see the place where they began their education.  The Junior High used the building until the mid 70’s.  This historic building now houses the District Business Office [responsible for payroll, budget, personnel, grounds, and building maintenance], the Technology Offices [responsible for the phones, internet, wireless and all computers in all the classrooms], the Superintendent’s Office and district and board Administrative Assistant] and two Conference Rooms.  In addition, the building has a full basement utilized for storage of records, tech equipment, Special Services documents and other local sporting goods.  The building totals about 10,326 square feet.  The Maintenance and Bus shop are separate buildings on the property.

The Main building was remodeled in 2001 and included parking lot improvements and an upgrade of an archaic Heating and AC system.  It is now nearly 2017, and the District Administration Building is getting new siding, new roof, a few new windows and an ADA approved “Front” entry that will be accessible for all.  The people in this building are special in that they work very hard with very long hours in not always the best of physical conditions.  Sometimes it is too hot in the back and too cold in the front- and then sometimes that reverses.  Hopefully, the better siding, roofs that don’t leak and new attic ventilation will help that situation.

Without them, our district could not exist.  Until I had the privilege of being your representative on the board, I did not realize all the essential pieces that exist somewhat behind the school scene in and around that building.  This is not a hierarchical, top down organization.  I see it far more as this drawing would suggest:

Around the enclosing square, are the students and community the School District serves.  The three circles represent the teachers, the classified, and the District Office including the bus drivers and the food servers.  The center where all three circles intersect is the area of ‘requirement’ if you will- or the area where they Must intersect to create a functioning organization.

Students&Community Students&Community

The money spent in improving this building, staying on target with bond promises, is a step in the right direction.  The budget projection is that the contractors will stay within the money allotted for the building and that TOTAL amount is 1.7% [LESS than 2%] of the bond budget.  Theoretically, giving the district a shot at giving this historic building another twenty years of life.

I would like to thank the following list of people who work tirelessly to make our district better than ever without much, if any, recognition.

My thanks to:

  1. Greg Baker
  2. Michael Bateman
  3. Quanah Bennett
  4. Michael Biehler
  5. Gary Carpenter
  6. Becky Dube’
  7. Dani Hughes
  8. David Johnson
  9. Michael Mazzei
  10. Debbie Moore
  11. Laurie Ruell, and
  12. Jeff Thiessen

As always, please to continue to write to me at   See you at the upcoming Bazaars!!!