Veneta Elementary School



Veneta Elementary’s Annual Talent Show is this Friday at 12:30 in our gym. Student performers will entertain with singing, magic, jokes, and other amazing acts. All of the stuTalent Show Imagedents involved have been practicing hard. It takes a lot of courage to perform in front of the entire school and we are so proud of each and every one of them. We know that we will have an amazing display of shining stars on Friday.

We also want to thank the teachers who have worked hard to make the Talent Show happen and to provide this opportunity for our students- Ms. Beller, Mrs. Pebworth, and Mrs. McGuire.

Auction Theme BasketIn preparation for this year’s auction on Saturday, April 26th, classrooms have started gathering items for their class theme baskets. All items donated will be included in our auction. Items collected in the theme baskets are critical to the school having a successful auction. The more items that are donated, the more items we have to auction off and the more successful our auction will be. Continue reading

email alertsVeneta Elementary has started a subscription system which will email you every time the  school website is updated.  We will use the email address you provided during registration.  If you are getting these updates and you would like to unsubscribe, please use the link on the right hand side of our webpage under “subscribe.” You can also use that link to sign up to receive our email notifications as well.

We update our website frequently with important information about our school. Our goal with the website and with these email notifications is to increase communication between school and home so that parents and family members can stay informed. Thank you for your support.

Raffle Ticket PictureThis week we are starting our annual raffle for this year’s auction. We have lots of fabulous prizes that people who buy tickets can win. The grand prize is a Kindle Fire HD. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5, 13 for $10, and 30 for $20. Students can sell tickets to family and friends but we ask that they do not go door to door. Parents can help their children sell raffle tickets by selling to coworkers and friends as well. Continue reading

cat readingOur annual reading celebration and contest has started. Reading tracking sheets went home on Friday. Every student who reads enough minutes at home to meet their goal will receive two free tickets to a Eugene Emerald’s baseball game. Continue reading

Classified Employee WeekThis week (March 3rd through March 7th) is Classified Employee Week. It’s our chance to thank all of the classified staff that help make our school a great place to learn. From educational assistants who help in the classroom and on the playground to kitchen staff who serve our students lunch and breakfast daily to the custodians who keep our school clean to the secretaries who keep us organized, Veneta Elementary appreciates our classified employees and the hard work they put in to helping our students succeed. They are a vital member of our school community and we could not do what we do without them.

Kids ReadingSMART (Start Making A Reader Today) is an important program here at Veneta that promotes early childhood literacy. Our SMART volunteers share their love of books with primary students. By listening to them read and reading to them, they help struggling readers gain important reading skills and build self-confidence. Continue reading

AwardFriday, January 31st will be a busy day at Veneta Elementary School. In the morning we will be having our Oregon Battle of the Books semi-finals featuring the four teams that made it to the finals: The Gummi Bears, The Book Chompers, The Books, and the Fantastic Four.
In the afternoon we will have our Second Quarter Awards assemblies followed by Cougar Recess. The Kindergarten through 2nd grade classes will have their assembly at 12:15 followed by 3rd through 5th at 1:00. Then at 1:30, all students who earned it will participate in a schoolwide Cougar Recess.

Contact Veneta

Phone: (541) 935-8225

88131 Territorial Road
Veneta Oregon 97487

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