This page is maintained and updated by District staff. It has been set up to provide information around required annual notices. Anytime the page is updated with a new notice, it will be added to the top of the page, and a ParentSquare post will go out to all of our families, informing them of the new post, and the topic of the notice.
1-2-25: OFFICIAL DISTRICT COMMUNICATION (Informative Annual Communication): CLICK HERE
11-22-24: WEAPONS IN SCHOOLS (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
11-5-24: VOLUNTEER INFORMATION (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
10-23-24: USE OF RESTRAINT AND SECLUSION (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
10-14-24: EDUCATIONAL RECORDS (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
9-20-24: DIRECTORY INFORMATION(Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
8-19-24: STATE ASSESSMENT (Required Annual Notification) CLICK HERE
12-29-23: DIRECTORY INFORMATION (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
11-17-23: WEAPONS IN SCHOOLS-STAFF/VOLUNTEERS (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
11-9-23: DISTRICT VOLUNTEER INFORMATION (Informative Annual Communication): CLICK HERE
11-2-23: SECTION 504 POLICY (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
10-25-23: DISTRICT WELLNESS POLICY (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
10-20-23: OFFICIAL DISTRICT COMMUNICATION (Informative Annual Communication): CLICK HERE
10-11-23: RESTRAINT & SECULUSION (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE
10-3-23: EDUCATIONAL RECORDS (Required Annual Notification): CLICK HERE