Week of September 30, 2019

What’s with the cold weather?  It can’t be winter yet!

This week in Mr. Hart’s classes:

  • English 3: We will be reading both in class and at home from “Huckleberry Finn”.  Students will get a new vocabulary list on Wednesday.  Students who failed the last vocabulary test may make it up this week.
  • Poetry: We will be discussing tone, connotation/denotation, and diction (word choice) this week
  • AP Lit: We will be continuing our first (of three) look at poetry by readings from the text as well as homework analysis of selected poems
  • Contemporary Lit: We will continue reading “Cuckoo’s Nest” in class and at home.  There is a vocabulary test on Wednesday

Check the above drop-down menus for more detailed lesson plans and downloadable material.

Have a great week!

Week of September 23, 2019


This week in Mr. Hart’s classes:

  • English 3: We will be working on our Personal Narrative essays in the beginning of the week.  At the end of the week we will begin our unit on Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Poetry: We will be learning about and practicing using similes, metaphors, and personification (Figurative Language)
  • AP Lit: We will continue with our introduction to poetry.  We will read various poems all week and analyze them for various techniques
  • Contemporary Lit: We will begin our unit on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey

As always, check the above drop-down menus for more detailed lesson plans and downloadable material.

  • A reminder that cell phone use is prohibited in class.  We have had some issues recently and I don’t want it to get to the stage where I have to do something about it (like take your phone).  Thanks!

Have a great week!

Week of September 16, 2019

Well, well, well.  We meet again.

This week in Mr. Hart’s classes:

  • English 3A: We will be wrapping up our short story unit with readings of “The Thrill of the Grass”, “The Thief”, and others.  There will be a vocabulary test on Wednesday
  • Poetry: We will be working on structured poetry like Sonnets
  • AP Lit: We will be wrapping up our short story unit with “A Rose for Emily” and “Where are You Going? Where Have you Been?”. There will be a practice test essay at the end of the week
  • Contemporary Lit: We will be wrapping up our short story unit with readings of “Teenage Wasteland” and others

As always, check the above drop-down menus for more detailed lessons and downloadable material.

  • This Wednesday is the EHS Open House.  It is from 5:00 – 7:00.  There will be a social time as well as snacks provided.  Please come!

Have a great week.  Go Ducks!

Week of September 9, 2019

Aloha and Welcome Back!

This week in Mr. Hart’s classes:

  • AP Lit: We will be reading various short stories from the textbook and taking practice AP tests.  Our focus this week will be on the parts of a story
  • English 3: We will be reading various short stories and working on identifying the different parts of a story
  • Poetry: We will be looking at various poems and practicing our analyzing skills.  Later in the week, we will focus on poetic structures
  • Contemporary Lit: We will be reading various short stories this week and working on identifying the different parts of a story

As usual, check the above drop-down menus for more detailed daily lessons and any downloadable material

Have a great first full week back, and remember to pause for a moment to remember all that we lost on 9/11/01.
