School District Questions and Answers –

With board vice- chair- Twinkle Ann Morton



Key Communicator Questions

First of all, let me begin by reminding my readers that this column is my opinion and my opinion only.  By that I mean that I am not speaking for the board merely making observations about educational topics and asking for your perspective and input.  A few people appear to be confused about the issue of the bond and the projected budget issue that was reported in the paper last week.  So I am trying to address those problems as they were asked of our Key Communicators.  Here we go.

We just passed a bond.  How could the school district have a budget issue?  Interesting Question.  In reading the bond description, one can see that the bond money can be used only to build schools, remodel existing schools, and increase safety and technology.  The promise of transparency and progress reports has been fulfilled for those interested.  The agreement is “The Fern Ridge School District will provide a monthly update on the progress of the work funded by the $26.7 million bond approved by voters last May, to be published regularly. This has been done as well as listing project plans and information pertaining to each project. You will find this additional information on the District’s website under the heading BOND.

So what caused a budget shortage?  The district shortfall is a result of years of underfunding from the state as well as unfunded mandates created by the legislature.  Our district is the only one, I believe, who returned to a full school year this year.  We hope to maintain a full schedule while other districts have cut days and positions.  The administration has worked tirelessly to maintain our staff and our lower class sizes so as to protect the students’ learning.  The bond can do nothing to fund salaries, insurance, supplies, textbooks, or bus and food contracts.  The teachers through FREA have been wonderful in their attempts to keep costs at a minimum while maintaining the full school year.  They too have seen the cost of insurance and PERS rise while the cost of some “must have” commodities has also increased.

Will this bond save us money in the Operating Budget?  Many people understand the difference but still have this question.  The answer is a resounding YES.  The roofs at the buildings will not need fixing; the new walls will not need to be painted; the new systems will not need to be perfected; so many unforeseeable issues that arise for maintenance should be taken care of.  Will there still be some issues?  Of course, but they will be surprises – not issues that we have band aided because of money issues.  Elmira Elementary and Veneta Elementary will be relatively new and protected by an improved security system as will the Middle School and the High School.

So will there be a Reduction in Force [RIF]?  The simple answer is no.  The administrative team has been working to turn yet another shortage from the state school fund into as good as possible. “Lemons to Lemonade sort of thing”.  Teachers who are retiring will not be replaced.  The Elementary Principals have met and are looking for ways to balance their numbers and class sizes.  It is time for some textbook replacements- it is likely they will be put off yet again for a better time.  But at this time, we will be able to keep all of our wonderful staff.

What remains for Veneta Elementary and for Elmira Elementary School?     


With most of the Veneta Elementary construction project wrapping up for this school year, we’re excited to share a few pictures of the new wing, classrooms, library, and the cafeteria on the District Webpage. New flooring, more technology, landscaping, and new parking and bus loops are some of the improvements still to come.


It is with great anticipation that constriction is in full swing at Elmira Elementary. The ground works are moving along on schedule, despite the weather’s occasional lack of cooperation.

Plumbing and underground electrical have been laid, and the concrete has been poured.  Framing has begun, and it is very exciting to watch as the walls go up.  Drive by sometime and see.


The work at Fern Ridge Middle School is mostly complete and the students and staff have settled in to the school year.


At Elmira High School the installation of the new field lights is complete, which has greatly improved the viewing of activities on the field and increased both the safety of the students and security of the campus. The new auxiliary gym project for the high school has begun its design phase and bids have come in within our hopes but a bit higher than predicted.  As time passes in the economy beginning recover, the costs of product and of labor will continue to rise.  The Company representing the District, Cornerstone, has done an excellent job at seizing the golden ring when they can, and the companies we are working with have been great as well.

Why is some work not done at all the places?  As you know, when you need to have an electrician or a plumber- any highly skilled work person- to your home, it is wise to have any and all projects lined out so they can be achieved all at once.  Several important reasons for that apply here.  One is scheduling- Once you have them on sight, do it all at once.  The other reason is cost.  If someone comes out to do the security upgrade at one school, he or she loads up all the stuff, drives here, completes that job- load up and goes home.  Then they do it all again for the next job… so the bond committee is saving money by doing the total project all at once for several things.

So keep those questions coming- I’ll answer as best I can and as quickly as I can.   Here’s a short video to raise your spirits.   Aa quote to think about from Nelson Mandela.  “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”  Write to me at

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