Veneta Elementary School



Cat with books

The Fern Ridge Library will be starting a Homework Help afterschool program tomorrow, October 18th from 2:30 to 3:30. Children’s librarian Sharon Chittock will be at Veneta Elementary school to help students who want to stay afterschool to work on their homework. We will provide both a quiet location for children to work on their homework and  someone there who can answer any questions they might have. Children must be picked up or walk home at 3:30. Please sign and return the form below if you want your child to stay for the Homework Help time on Tuesday, October 18th.

The Library’s goal is to start with a once a month Homework Help session and possibly expand if the program works. We want to thank the Fern Ridge Community Library for reaching out to help our kids.


For further information click here

Tooth Taxi-Tooth Slinger

To date we have had over 60  Tooth Taxi packets go home, but only a handful returned. This is just a reminder that a completed Tooth Taxi packet must be received by the school before students can be seen by the Tooth Taxi.

Dental Screenings-

We all know how important good dental health is. On Monday November 7th, we will be conducting dental screenings as a service to our students.  During the screening, a dental hygienist or dentist will use a flashlight to look at student’s teeth. They will note whether or not they see anything of concern.  A report from the screening will be sent home with students. If the issues are severe, families will also receive a phone call. Continue reading

Being a parent is the toughest and mosmpapcurricula_webt important job there is, especially in today’s world. We want to help. Beginning October 20th, the Fern Ridge Family Resource Center will be offering a series of free parenting classes called “Make Parenting A Pleasure.” The 12 week session will cover topics from stress management to communication to listening to managing behavior to managing challenging behaviors. Classes will be from 6:30 to 8:00 at Veneta Elementary School. Free child care will be provided for children three or older. Parents who attend ten out of 12 sessions will earn a $20 gift card. Each session there will also be other door prizes given away. Plus coffee and desserts for the parents and snacks for the kids.

Contact the school office at 541-935-8225 to register or if you have any questions.


Put This On Your CalendarSave The Date- The family of Sullivan Daniel Kirk, the two year old brother of Veneta Elementary students Benjamin, Skylar, and Jaquilynne Kirk, needs our help. Sullivan was born with only half a heart. He has already had two open heart surgeries and needs a third open heart surgery in 2017.  There are only a handful of surgeons in the United States who are qualified to perform the surgery Sullivan needs. During the 4 to 6 weeks that Sullivan will be in the hospital, his family will need to relocate to be there with him. As you can imagine, the out of pocket expenses that will make it possible for Ben, Skylar, Jaquilynne and their parents to be there for Sullivan are high.

Luckily Sullivan has an Uncle Dan. Dan Povenmire, Sullivan’s uncle, is the co-creator of Disney’s Phineas and Ferb as well as the new Disney XD show Milo Murphy’s Law. Continue reading


boy crossing finish lineboy crossing finish line

Our Jog-A-Thon is a great way to have fun and raise money for our school. Funds will go to support great activities for our students including Outdoor School and Field Trips. The Jog-A-Thon is about raising money for our school, but its also a lot of fun for our students and families.

Students raise money for the Jog-A-Thon by asking family, friends, and people they know to sponsor them. Then on October 26th, each class will take to the track for 30 minutes of walking, running, skipping, and just moving to fun music. Parents and other family members are invited to join their child on the track or just simply cheer from the sidelines. Thanks to PALS, guests at our Jog-A-Thon this year will again include some of our community heroes like police officers, firefighters, doctors, etc.

Students can earn prizes for raising money for our school. Continue reading


Halloween at Veneta Elementary School

Veneta Elementary will again allow students to wear Halloween costumes on Monday, October 31st. The following guidelines must be followed:

  1.  If students are going to wear a costume, they must wear it to school. Students will not be permitted to change at school. Students must be able to wear their costume inside or outside, at recess, at gym, on the bus, etc.
  2. No masks or full face painting will be allowed. However students can have “limited” makeup like whiskers, freckles, eye make up, etc. Continue reading

Open House kidsThe Fern Ridge School District Family Resource Center will be offering a parent education course, “Make Parenting a Pleasure” at no cost to the public. “Make Parenting a Pleasure” has been proven to help families of young children alleviate family stress.  Parenting is the most challenging and important job there is. This course give families the strategies and skills that will reduce family stress, help parents understand and communicate more effectively with their children, and help parents provide positive and effective discipline. This series is for any parent who wants to improve their parenting skills and help their child be more successful.

Classes are 6:30 to 8:00 on Thursdays at Veneta Elementary School. Free childcare for children ages 3 and older will be provided and refreshments served. Classes start October 20th and end January 26th.There will be no classes November 24th, December 22nd, or December 29th. Parents who attend classes may win gift cards or other prizes. Parents with questions or wanting additional information, should contact Angi Trent at 541-935-8225 ext. 418 or Olivia Johnson at 541-935-8225 ext. 201.

Below is a link to the registration form.  Fill it out and return it to Veneta Elementary School, Elmira Elementary School, or the Fern Ridge School District Office. You can also mail it to Olivia Johnson, P.O. Box 370, Veneta, Oregon 97487 or return it by email at Enrollment is limited

Registration Form

Class Calendar/Syllabus

Tooth Taxi Image

The Tooth Taxi program is returning to Veneta Elementary School November  7th through November 10th.  The Tooth Taxi is a mobile dental office that provides full dental services to children at no cost to their family. There are no income restrictions and you do not need to have insurance. Participating children will be screened on November 7th and then scheduled for an appointment with the Tooth Taxi if they need services. The Tooth Taxi can do a the full gambit of services including filling cavities, removing teeth, applying sealants, etc. The Tooth Taxi is staffed by a licensed dentist and dental assistant. The Tooth Taxi is made possible by the Dental Foundation of Oregon.

The Tooth Taxi is a great opportunity for children to be seen by a dentist and even treated free. During past visits, they have provided over $40,000 of services to our children at no cost.

Interest forms for the Tooth Taxi will go home on Monday, October 3rd. If you are interested, return the interest form and a completed Tooth Taxi packet will be sent home with your child. Completed packets need to be returned by October 28th. You can also pick up a packet at the school office or call and we will send one home with your child.

For more information about the Tooth Taxi program click: here

If you have questions, please contact Ms. Johnson at 541-935-8225.


As a Schoolwide Title One elementary school, Veneta Elementary receives additional funds from the state to support students who are struggling in reading and math. Veneta proves Title services in reading and math to students who are not at grade level in either reading or math. Services may include extra instruction in a small group setting or extra practice in our Title math lab. Families that want to know more can come to our Title Informational Meeting at 5:45 tonight. Or view a power point about our Title program at the link below. Continue reading

Veneta Elementary School will open their doors for community members who would like to see what the inside of our remodeled school looks like. We want to give those who supported the bond, but may not have children in our school, the chance to come and see how their support has transformed our school.

VES will have our community visit on Wednesday, September 28th from 6 PM to 7 PM.  This is not to be confused with our Open  House which will be Thursday, September 29th. No teachers will be here and classrooms will not be open for visitors. However community members can see the new cafeteria, the new offices, the remodeled library, and the new classroom wing.

So if you don’t have students at VES but have seen the changes on the outside and wondered about changes on the inside, stop by Wednesday, September 28th from 6 PM to 7 PM and take a look.


Contact Veneta

Phone: (541) 935-8225

88131 Territorial Road
Veneta Oregon 97487

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