Elmira High School



final.exams.juneSince the District decision to add 4 school days onto the end of the year, I have had several questions regarding final exams if parents/families already have plans that will have them out of town.  The short answer is not to worry, yes this is something we can accomodate.  For obvious reasons it is best if a student can take their final exam at the regularly scheduled time (the exact schedule isn’t set yet, but it will be some combination of June 17th-19th).  However, we understand that things may come up, especially this year since the school year has been extended.  The general process is this:

1.  Let the school know so that teachers can have copies of an alternative final exam in the office.

2.  Student will schedule with Mr. Carpenter in the office a later time to take the exam, either prior to July 1, or after July 20th

2.  The teacher will submit a grade of “I” (Incomplete)

3.  The student will take the exam at the alternatively scheduled time (No Final exams are given early)

4.  When the teacher returns in August the exams will be graded and a “grade change” submitted to the registrar.

Feel free to contact the school if you have questions

spring sportsMonday, March 3rd  is the first day for Spring Sports here at EHS.  Baseball, Softball and Track & Field will all hold their first practices after school on Monday.  In order to be eligible to practice Monday, students must have all paperwork, an updated physical and their sports fee taken care of by Friday, February 28th.  If your student is unsure what they need, they can stop by the bookkeepers window anytime, or contact Tammy in the office.

forumElmira High School invites parents, staff, coaches, students, and community members to attend a forum in the EHS theater on Wednesday, February 26th.  The topic will be the EHS Athletic Contract and we will start at 6:00 PM sharp and end at or before 7:00 PM.   Anyone is welcome, so please share this information and encourage others who are interested in the topic to attend.  There may be a short presentation at the beginning by the school, however the majority of the time will be spent allowing those that attend to ask questions or share their opinions.–Mr. Carpenter

calendar changeAt the School Board meeitng last night the Board opted to replace 5 total days of the 9 that have been lost and add 4 at the end of the year (we already made up one day on February 17ty). The 23rd of May will be reinstated as a teacher work (non-student) day. The last week we will have students Monday through Thursday (June 16th-19th) with Friday (the 20th) being the teacher workday at the end of the year. If there are those that have unavoidable, prearranged conflicts, please contact the school so we can work out a plan.  This should be the final change, regardless of future inclement weather.  In addition, the last day for seniors, and the graduation day HAVE NOT changed.  If you have questions, please contact the school

basketballSenior Night for the Boys and Girls Basketball teams will be held Monday, February 24th.  This
is a change from the original schedule. We hope to see you there as we honor our Seniors.
Girls Varsity starts at 5:45 and Boys Varsity will follow this game.

Girls State picture 2-16-14 JackieA big congratulations to the EHS Girls Wrestling Team, Coach Shannon and Coach Peeler for their First Place Girls “Team” State Championship.  7 of 9 girls are moving on to compete individually at the State Wrestling Tournament.

APThe Elmira High School Counseling Center is looking for a volunteer to assist in proctoring this year’s AP Testing.  Testing dates and times won’t be confirmed until March 7, 2014, but will fall within the weeks of Monday, May 5, 2014 to Friday, May 14, 2014 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.  Training will be available.  Please contact Meagan Haas, School Counselor of Elmira High School for details and questions at 541-935-8200 ext. 313.

Lots of info. to get out, I will try to be brief. The high school has power and heat. We do NOT have water due to the domestic well being on a different electrical line than the building. EPUD is working on it, they estimate 24-48 hours. We ARE having school tomorrow (unless something elsr comes up) We will have water, port-a-potties and hand washing stations by the time students arrive in the morning.  Wish us luck.

Asst. Principal

