On Wednesday, April 8th, Governor Kate Brown closed schools for the remainder of the 19-20 School year. Along with that announcement, a large document was released outlining a plan for our Senior students. A direct link to that document can be found found in the first bullet point below.
District staff have taken that document, and summarized some important information into the information below. In the coming days all families will be contacted. We stand with our students in the class of 2020, and will be doing everything in our power to help navigate this transition.
- On April 8th, the Oregon Governor’s office closed schools for the remainder of the 2020 school year. A guidance document for our seniors was released. This document summarizes that guidance. The entire document can be viewed here: https://www.fernridge.k12.or.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Graduation-Pathways-2020-Guidance.pdf
- The credit requirements have not changed. They remain at 24.
- The requirement of essential skills (passing state tests) and career related learning experiences (senior project, job shadows, etc…) have been suspended/waived.
- The guidance in the document charges district to “Notify each senior’s family on their student’s graduation status and next steps” by April 30th. We will be able to accomplish this much sooner than that. However, if you have not been contacted by April 30th, please contact us!
- Issuing of credit: Credit will be issued for the 2nd semester based on each student’s standing in each class at the time of the closure.
- Those that were passing on March 12th (the last day of classes) will earn credit.
- For those who were not passing on March 12th, an individual plan will be put in place, to get them to passing.
- Grades: All grades for the 2nd semester of a senior’s year must be a Pass/No-pass option.
- H.S. staff are immediately beginning the work of reviewing transcripts and updating grades through March 12th. Students/families should expect a call soon to go over your individual student’s circumstances, and any options that may apply to their specific situation.
- For Special Education students, this initial communication may take a little longer, as there are other implications and additional considerations.
- In the days to come, at least one committee of folks that includes staff, parents and students to make decisions and contingency plans about various options for a commencement ceremony.
- GPA’s will be frozen as of the end of 1st semester of their Senior year.
- Seniors wishing to take the AP exam will continue to have the opportunity to engage with their teacher and prepare the AP exams in May.
- Seniors may still earn an Honors Diploma. All academic requirements must still be met and 30 community service hours also are required.