Fern Ridge School District is committed to making our distance learning for all available digitally to our students as widely as we can.
FRSD has conducted a “Student Technology Survey” across the district in order to assess and address barriers to digital participation in distance learning.
We have been staging our digital options, starting with “digital packets” through Google classroom at the high school, extending with video supports at the Middle School, and assessing the implementation options at the elementary level going forward.
As part of this effort, we have a Chromebook Loan program at the High School, and Middle School at present.
Please check your school’s website for further information and developments on the program, and contact the school directly with any questions.
A copy of the agreement is available here: Chromebook Loan Agreement
A copy of the “how to connect to a network” document is available here: Howto Connect FRSD Chromebook to home network