Elmira Elementary School



Ms. Herbert and Ms. Perrier got silly-stringed, and Ms. Johnson participated in a fun challenge!


A huge thank you to Ms. Violet and Ms. Melody, who work so hard to take care of our students! We appreciate you!

Just a reminder, as you are making plans for May, please keep in mind the recent calendar change:

  • Wednesday May 24th is a FULL day – release at 2:25pm
  • Friday May 26th is now a SCHOOL day – early release at 12:45pm


Do you have or know a student who will be in kindergarten next year? 

Kinder Info Night

If you missed the Kinder Info Night, you can view the slides by clicking here.

Important Details (dates, times, etc.) flyer – click here to view.


KITS is a research-based summer program designed to enhance social and academic school readiness for kids who will enter kindergarten.

All the details, including how to register, can be found by clicking here.



We had a special treat recently: Mrs. Lynch played her harp during morning arrival for a couple days in the main hallway! So special!

Do you have a child (or know someone who does) who will be in kindergarten next year?
Plan to attend our Kinder Info Night to get more info! Tuesday April 4th at 6:00pm.

To attend kindergarten next year, students must be age 5 by September 1st. 

Contact Elmira

Phone: (541) 935-8214

88960 Territorial Road
Elmira, OR 97437-9759


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