Football is right around the corner!!! I am attaching the calendar for the season. Remember, things can change, but this give you a great idea for what is coming. Practice will be right after school until school is out. PLEASE try to make as much as possible for spring and summer sessions. We have a lot of potential this next season. We will do some in the weight room and a lot on the practice field. I can’t wait to see all of you!!!
Practice schedule for next week:
Tuesday – Practice from 3:40-5:30pm
Thursday – Practice from 3:40-5:30pm
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the following form. This is to let me know if who is interested in playing football this next Fall. This is not the official sign-up. This is more for me to get to sizes for shirts and shorts. Also need to see how many helmets will might need for the season.
Coach Peeler
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your spring time. Football is just around the corner. We need to get our Helmet Fitting done. This is very important to get done as Helmet Companies are still having issues with supply. Please see the attached flyer for when and where we will be completing our helmet fitting. PLEASE try to be there. If for some reason you can’t, please make arrangements with me. This is for incoming freshmen too!!!
Lets Go Falcons!!!
Coach Peeler
I have added a tab above called Parent/Volunteer. This covers what is needed to be able to help with our football program during games, etc. Please visit this site if you are interested in helping out. We need help with Chain Crew for JV and Varsity games, Concession Help for JV and Varsity Games, and JV Filmer. Might also need help at times with announcing and scoreboard operator. These all must follow the volunteer guidelines the district has set-up. Again, if you are interested, please feel free to complete the requirements. Also, email Justin Peeler ( if you are wanting to help with Varsity jobs and email Patrick Wondra ( if you are wanting to help with JV jobs.
Coach Peeler
Come support our EHS Booster Club On Saturday September 10th!
Below is a link to our PDF Summer/Fall Calendar. This has our all of our practices, events, and activities for the summer and fall. Remember that things can change, but we will do our best to follow this calendar.
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the following form. This is to let me know if who is interested in playing football this next Fall. This is not the official sign-up. This is more for me to get to sizes for shirts and shorts. Also need to see how many helmets will might need for the season.
Coach Peeler
Today a coach on staff tested positive for COVID. There is no need to quarantine because we were outdoors and that they should monitor for symptoms.
Coach Peeler
Here is the link to your team store. It is currently set to close on Thursday, August 19th, and delivery will be about 2-3 weeks after it closes.
Hello everyone. First, this has been a very productive week of camp practices. Thank you all that have made practices this week.
FamilyID is now open for registration fir Fall sports. Please get this done as soon as possible. Players also need a current sports physical. Physicals are good for two years. Physicals need to be turned into the high school office. As for fees, they have waived fees this season again. NO FEES! That is great news. Please don’t leave these things to the last minute.
Below is a link to our PDF Fall Calendar. This has our practices and games for August, September, and October. Remember that things can change, but we will do our best to follow this calendar.
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the following form. This is to let me know if who is interested in playing football this next Fall. This is not the official sign-up. This is more for me to get to sizes for shirts and shorts. Also I want to figure out what practice times work best for all of you.
Coach Peeler
Below are the All-League Honors for the Elmira Falcon Football Team. I could not be more proud to be apart of the football program. Congratulations to all your All-League Winners!!!
- Beau Koffler – Honorable Mention All-League Center
- Luke Wolgamott – Second Team All-League Guard
- Sam Moye – Honorable Mention All-League Guard
- James Evans – Second Team All-League Tackle
- Jacob Janezcko – Second Team All-League Tackle
- Troy Anderson – Second Team All-League Tight End
- Bryson Forsman – Second Team All-League Wide Receiver
- Blake Wigham – Honorable Mention All-League Wide Receiver
- Ayden Wolgamott – First Team All-League Running Back
- Cobyn Herbert – Second Team All-League Quarterback
- Ian Drago – Honorable Mention All-League Punter
- Troy Anderson – Honorable Mention All-League Kicker
- Cobyn Herbert – First Team All-League Defensive Line
- James Evans – Second Team All-League Defensive Line
- Beau Grover – Honorable Mention All-League Defensive Line
- Troy Anderson – Honorable Mention All-League Defensive Line
- Ayden Wolgamott – First Team All-League Outside Linebacker
- Seth Drago – Honorable Mention All-Leauge Outside Linebacker
- Blake Wigham – First Team All-League Inside Linebacker
- Bryson Forsman – Honorable Mention All-League Defensive Back
- Aydin Konnie – Honorable Mention All-League Defensive Back
- Bryson Forsman – Honorable Mention All-League Kick Returner
Our game that was scheduled at Cottage Grove has now been moved to Marist still 7:00pm. Please read the info below about check-in times and expectations.
- No concession stand
- EHS spectator check in time: 6:30pm – 7:15pm
- Please have parents check in, using the QR code on the back of their ticket, once they enter the parking lot and prior to checking in at the ticket booth. They will drop their ticket in the bucket, give their name to be checked on the list, and then go directly to the stands.
- Masks must be worn at all times and spectators must stay 6 feet away from members outside their household.
- Spectators need to please stay in their seats for the duration of the game, unless they need to use the restroom, and then as soon as the game is over, they need to head to their cars to wait for their athletes. OSAA/OHA does not allow mixing spectators with athletes.
- EHS will be the home team and will be in the stands on the same side as the press box.
- Spectator portable toilets will be posted and will be separate from the athlete portable toilets.
Below is the flyer from the Booster Club. This will be their main fundraiser for this year. The Booster Club supports all athletic teams throughout the year. PLEASE support them in this fundraiser! It will benefit all players.
Coach Peeler
Attached is the google slide presentation from tonight’s parents meeting. If you missed the meeting, please look over the presentation. On the second to last slide are some links to schedules, calendar, and team store.
I have attached the Finalized Schedules for both Junior Varsity and Varsity. Please be flexible as things seem to change on a daily basis. I have also updated the games on the google calendar and under schedules on the website. I hope to have a Parents Zoom Meeting on Wednesday March 3. Time to be announced later.
Football Schedule – Winter 2021
Coach Peeler
With Monday being a holiday, we have decided to go:
Tuesday 3:30-5:00
Wednesday 3:30-5:00
Thursday 3:30-5:00
Coach Peeler
Falcon Football will be starting up Winter practices this coming week. We will be doing practices from Jan. 11 – Feb 5. We are allowed to do up to 6 hours a week of practice during these four weeks. Below is a link to a PDF with information on Practice Schedule, Friendly Competitions, Face Mask Mandate, Requirements to Practices during this time period, and if the Official Season happens, a schedule of what the season will look like (WE WILL BE PLAYING A LEAGUE GAME DURING SPRING BREAK).
Player’s Meeting – Jan. 7, 2021
POD Check In:
- Varsity Skill POD will check-in at 3:20pm. They will park in the back parking lot and check-in at the gate closest to the back parking lot.
- JV Skill POD will check-in at 3:20pm. They will park in the front gravel parking lot and check-in at the gate in the middle of the practice field.
- Lineman POD (All lineman) will check-in at 3:20pm. They will park in the front gravel parking lot and check-in at the gate closest to the main track shed at the end of the practice field.
Coach Peeler
I want to do a Zoom Meeting on Thursday Night at 7:00pm. Zoom link is under the classwork tab under Classroom Information for our google classroom.
Topics to be covered:
1. Practices in January – We have been given permission to do some practices starting Jan. 11
2. Cover Guidelines for practices – procedures.
3. Go over the potential schedule for football season.
I REALLY need all players to make this meeting. We will be covering some good information for the future.
Coach Peeler
Final total from our Tree Fundraiser. Thank you all that helped out!!!
Big thank you to Carroll’s Christmas Tree Farm for allowing us to be apart of this successful season and fundraiser.
Coach Peeler
I want to thank all the players, parents, and siblings that helped out this year at the Tree Farm Fundraiser. This year, the fundraiser has been a big success. Unfortunately, the company has sold out of trees and is done for the year. If you were scheduled to work this coming weekend, you are not needed. Again, thank you for all the help this year. This has been a BIG success. I am hoping to know the total amount raised either today or tomorrow. Thanks again for all the help.
Coach Peeler
Below is a PDF with the latest updated calendar for all athletics. Please read over the PDF. The calendar shows start dates for each sport. Football will start practices on Feb. 8th.
OSAA Adjusted 20-21 Calendar for Athletics
Coach Peeler
Message from the Athletic Director,
In order to participate in ANY sort of competition, during season 1 and the season of their sport, it is an OSAA requirement that they need to be academically eligible. This means that since we are offering 4 classes, they have to be passing at least 3 of the 4 and on track to graduate. The next grade check we pushed to this coming Monday. The end of the semester is February 5th.
I. Some information pertaining to seniors:
Q. If a senior completes their courses and graduates in January, can they participate after that point?
A. No, a student must be enrolled full time to be able to compete in school sports and activities.
Q. Do seniors need to be enrolled full time to participate?
A. Yes, all students must be fully enrolled in and passing the appropriate number of classes in order to be eligible. Note: If graduation is June 11th, and Season 4 goes until the end of June, the senior can continue to participate even after the graduation ceremony for the 2020-21 school year.
II. Practice Requirements prior to in season competition: (these are new as of the week of Dec. 7)
Football – 9 practices
- Week of Feb. 8: no protective gear or full contact
- Week of Feb. 15: protective gear with progression
- Week of Feb. 26: Jamboree @ JC
All other sports – 5 days
Coach Peeler
From Admin,
Due to the district decision to move the CDL for the next three weeks, we will be unable to offer athletic workouts during that time as well. We believe that we will receive guidance from the OSAA on December 7th about the prospects of season 2 (winter sports) beginning on December 28th as scheduled. If that is allowed we will begin practices again at that time. If it is postponed we will be communicating with athletes and coaches about possible workouts that may begin in the new year. We appreciate your patience throughout this challenging fall and look forward to better days in the future.
This weeks practice schedule because of daylight issues. Remember check-in is 10 minutes before. Please spread the word.
Monday – 3:30-5:30
Wednesday – 3:30-5:30
Friday – 6:00-8:00
Helmet Fittings – Wednesday Oct. 28 during practice. We will do them from 4:00pm – 5:15pm. This will be done during the chalk-talk time. PLEASE make sure you are there for this practice. We need ALL players there for this. Even if you normally are not coming, we need you there to get fitted for your helmet for the season. Also, the Riddell Rep will be doing the fittings. If you are wanting to buy or rent our own helmet, he will have information there for another interested.
Coach Peeler
Elmira Football Team and Supporters:
We have been provided an opportunity to earn money for our Elmira Football Team. Volunteers would work at Carroll’s Country Christmas Trees (located in Veneta) helping to sell Trees at the farm. We will be working each weekend beginning November 27th until December 20th.
Our Team will earn $5 for every tree sold, plus all farm tips will be donated to Elmira Football. Team members, coaches, parents and supporters are all welcome to volunteer! In order to participate it is mandatory to attend a training session at the farm on Sunday, November 1st at 1:00pm. Carroll’s Farm is located at: 26260 Perkins Road, Veneta, OR 97487. Training will last approximately 40 minutes with shift sign-ups immediately after. Please bring your schedules.
Additional incentives are daily cash and gift card drawings for volunteers!
Please contact Chantel with any questions.
Chantel Wright
Last year, the teams that worked, made between $2,000 and $4,000 for this fundraiser. We are going to be the main team and possibly the only team. This means, we have the chance to raise $4000 plus. We really need a lot of help to make this fundraiser successful. Again, team members, parents, coaches, and supporters are all welcome. You don’t have to be a football player to help us out. Siblings are welcome too as long as they attend the mandatory training. PLEASE help Elmira Football make this successful for our program. I would like to buy some gear for players like tops, team socks, etc. If you are willing to help, please email me at or message me on Remind.
Coach Peeler
Parents and Players,
Elmira Falcon Football will be hosting practices during Season 1 starting on Monday Oct. 12, 2020. These practices are not mandatory. Keep in mind that we are installing a new offense and need to get our bodies more prepared for the season coming in February. We will only have three weeks of practice in February before our first game. That is not a lot of time, especially if you have not been showing up. Keep an eye out on how we will be grouping our players and where they need to report for practice to be screen checked. Every player will be temperature checked and contact tracing completed before practice. If any student has symptoms, PLEASE keep them home. We will be sending them home if they show up.
I need every player to complete the following form letting me know if they are planning on participating in these practices. Click on the link to fill out. I need every player to complete this form ASAP!
Fall Practice – Season 1 Participation Form
Requirements to Practice:
- Current Physical on file at EHS with the bookkeeper. Reminder physicals are good for two years.
- Must complete the online registration on FamilyID.
Practice Schedule:
Monday – 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday – 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday – 6:00pm – 8:00pm (This will be under the lights on the game field. If it is raining too much, we will move practice to 4:00pm – 6:00pm and practice on the practice field)
Practice Format:
Monday and Wednesday will be weight room, chalk talk/film review, and football drills/practice on the practice field.
Friday will be full football drills/practice on the game field unless it is too wet. This will focus more on techniques and possible fun mini game activities (If possible).
Face Mask Policy for Student Athletes – (updated 10/5/2020)
All participants must wear cloth face coverings at all times when indoors. When outdoors, all participants must wear cloth face coverings before and after workouts/activities, during team meetings, or breaks, and at any time they are not directly involved in physical activity such as conditioning. While conditioning outside, if participants are unable to maintain six feet distance, masks must be worn. Participants may use cloth, paper, or disposable face coverings. People engaged in physical activity may not wear plastic shield coverings. Coaches will continue to wear masks at all times; indoors and outdoors. PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS. If you don’t wear a mask or are having problems following rules, we will send you home immediately. We want to practice.
Coach Peeler
OSAA has created a Season 1 period of time for practices/conditioning workouts. Football (Fall) has been given the time period from October 12 – November 6. During this time, we will have the opportunity to practice, strength train, and condition. We get 6 hours for practices and 1 hour for virtual meetings per week. We will have more info on times and days as we get closer to this time. No competitions allowed during Season 1.
Season 1 starts on August 31. This means this will be our last week of workouts/practices until October 12. Things that need to be done ASAP.
- Fill out the FamilyID ( for each sport your son will be participating in. No payments at this time. Please wait for payment until before actual season. FamilyID opened today. Please, please, please get this done. You can not participate in Season 1 at all until this is done. This also needs to be done before any weight training sessions during Season 1.
- Current physicals. Make sure you have a current physical on file. If yours is out of date, you need to get one ASAP. Physicals are good for two years. If you are not sure about your physical, please call the High School and ask for Julie Bothel. She can tell you when yours is up.
During Season 1, any athlete that wants to do Agility/Weights/Conditioning when we are not in session (Session 1 and Session 3) can do so with Britnie (Athletic Trainer). She will be providing time for weight room activities. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE any athlete not in session to join Britnie during this time. The more we can get done in the weight room, will help us be successful on the field. Also will help with injury prevention. Please use this time. We need all the work we can get. If you are interested in weight training during those times, I will be creating a google form to fill out. I will get that done this week. I need to give her numbers and names to start setting up PODS. I have attached the schedule below for the school year. This provides you with dates and activities going on.
Schedule of Athletic Activities for 2020-21
Please note: Activities during Season 1 are not mandatory for athletes to attend. This is based
on CURRENT information and matrix. As those change, so would/will our plan.
August 31- September 6th: “Quiet” week. No activities.
September 7th – October 2nd (Session 1): “Spring Sports”
- Softball
- Baseball
- Track & Field
- Agility/Weights/Conditioning
October 5th – 11th: “Quiet” week. No activities.
October 12th – November 6th (Session 2): “Fall Sports”
- Football – use of football protective equipment prohibited outside of Season 3; no contact
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Cross Country
- Agility/Weights/Conditioning
November 9th – 15th: “Quiet” week. No activities.
November 16th – November 22nd (Session 3): “Winter Sports”
- Basketball – training and conditioning only; no contact
- Wrestling – training and conditioning only; no contact
- “Sideline” Cheerleading – no stunts or contact allowed
- Agility/Weights/Conditioning
November 23rd- 28th: No activities for ALL. Happy Thanksgiving!
November 29th – December 18th (Session 3): “Winter Sports”
- Basketball
- Wrestling
- “Sideline” Cheerleading – no stunts or contact allowed
- Agility/Weights/Conditioning
December 21 – 27th: No activities for ALL. Happy Holidays!
December 28th: Start of Season 2 Winter Sports!
- Rule of 2 in effect for out of season programs.
- 2 practice weeks (Must have 9 days of practice prior to first competition with another school.)
- Revised participation limitations
- Wrestling – 9 events
- Basketball – 14 games
- Sideline Cheerleading
- January 11th : First Contest Date
- January 26th: Sky-Em basketball league play begins.
- March 1st – 6th: OSAA Culminating Week
February 22nd: Start of Season 3 Fall Sports
- Rule of 2 in effect for out of season programs.
- 2 practice weeks (Must have 9 days of practice prior to first competition with another school.
Requirement waived with participation in Season 2 with the exception of Football that must have 9
days.) - Revised participation limitations
- Cross Country – 9 meets
- Volleyball – 14 playing dates
- Soccer – 10 matches
- Football – 7 games
- March 8th: First Contest date with the exception of Football.
- March 9th: Sky-Em soccer league play begins.
- March 16th:
- First Contest date for Football
- Sky-Em volleyball league play begins.
- April 26th – May 1st: OSAA Culminating Week; no Football
- May 3rd – 9th: OSAA Culminating Week for Football only
April 19th: Start of Season 4 Spring Sports
- Rule of 2 in effect for out of season programs.
- 2 practice weeks (Must have 9 days of practice prior to first competition with another school. Requirement waived with participation in Season 2)
- Revised participation limitations
- Track and Field – 9 meets
- Baseball – 18 games
- Softball – 18 games
- May 3rd: First Contest Date
- May 11th: Sky-Em baseball/softball league play begins
- June 21 – 26th: OSAA Culminating Week
Coach Peeler
We are going to continue with practices this week. We will go Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday like before. The only change is, we are going to go down to three groups instead of four. Lineman will all be one group now. Times below:
Lineman (Gold POD) – 3:45 Health Screening, 3:55 Warm-ups, 4:05 Agilities, 4:15 – 4:45 Weight Room, 4:55 – 5:15 Football Skills.
JV Skill (Purple POD 2) – 4:00 Health Screening, 4:10 Warm-ups, 4:20 Agilities, 4:30 – 5:00 Weight Room, 5:10 – 5:30 Football Skills (Might start focusing on 5-on-5 games if we get enough players).
Varsity Skill (Purple POD 1) – 4:15 Health Screening, 4:25 Warm-ups, 4:35 Agilities, 4:45 – 5:15 Weight Room, 5:25 – 5:45 Football Skills (Might start focusing on 5-on-5 games if we get enough players).
***This is an important time for players to come. I know the season will be later, but we can not just show up in February and play. We will have way too many injuries. The weight room should be your new best friend right now. I want players to be ready physically to play. We won’t have as much time in February to get ready now. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE start showing up and getting bigger, faster, and stronger. This will help all sports, not just football***
Coach Peeler
We have been given the OK to restart practicing again. I am meeting with my coaches tonight to discuss if we want to continue with what we have been doing or making any changes. Once I know the plan, I will send an update. I will try to send the update either tonight or tomorrow. I hope everyone is excited to get back to the weight room and fields. I hope to see all of you soon!
Coach Peeler
Football is being shut down indefinitely until we hear the update from the OSAA. We should hear an update by Wednesday of this week. This means no practices until we get the update. Hopefully after that, we can make decisions on when we can start back up.
Coach Peeler
With our season getting delayed until late August, we are going to take this week off. This week was going to be the scheduled Moratorium Week. A lot of families plan trips during this week as it is usually the only week off during the summer. Also, I have ordered face shields to be used in the weight room for players who don’t feel comfortable wearing a mask.
Again, this is just a pause week. We will continue again on Monday August 3rd. Our hope is we will get to start doing some sort of football type practice by the end of August with games starting in September. That is the hope. We need to continue to practice and lift weights. Learning a new offense is not an easy thing to do if you show up for the first time in late August. Also, weight room helps prevent injuries.
Coach Peeler
As many of you have already heard, OSAA came out with an update yesterday for Fall Sports. I will attach the memo for you to read if you are interested. Basically, we are on hold for football and might still get the opportunity to play. We will want to continue to practice with the hope things do get to happen. I don’t want to stop and then they change things.
Fall Sports First Contest Date
With the uncertainty of school reopening plans in many parts of the state and the time frame related to those decisions,the OSAA Executive Board has decided to delay the first contest date for Cross Country, Volleyball and Soccer until Wednesday, September 23 (previously August 27). The original first Fall practice date of August 17 remains in place at this time. New guidance from the state requiring face coverings even when exercising indoors will require further consideration regarding guidance for indoor activities.
These dates allow for local school control regarding Fall practice schedules while enabling them to focus on their primary objective of reopening to students. Decisions schools are making regarding their instructional models – on-site, hybrid or distance learning – are still being discussed locally. The dates referenced above, and an individual school’s ability to participate, may be impacted by their instructional model, along with any new health metrics set forth by the Governor’s Office and OHA. Additional guidance for Fall contest protocols, including multi-team events, spectator policies, and regional scheduling considerations, will be forthcoming. The OSAA Executive Board understands that if Fall end dates are not extended then contest limitations, playoff structures, and championship events will need to be altered.
Football is considered a full contact activity per the Governor’s and OHA guidelines and is currently prohibited. No definitive date has been established by the state for a review of this prohibition. Based on strategies provided by the OSAA Football Contingency Group it is necessary that any Football restrictions be lifted by September 28 in order to have a modified regular season this Fall that would include some type of restructured postseason.
If Fall activities aren’t able to be held in the Fall, the OSAA Executive Board is committed to working with its contingency groups to exhaust all options for these activities including shifting, condensing, or stacking seasons, like our neighbors in Washington and California, with the fundamental objective of providing participation opportunities for students. These changes may ultimately force schools into choosing which programs they will offer and students into choosing between activities, but the Board believes that a potentially difficult choice is better than no choice.
The OSAA Executive Board will meet again the week of August 3 as they and the staff anticipate additional information regarding reopening plans by schools and further school sports and activity guidance from the state.
Coach Peeler
This week we are only going Monday and Tuesday. We have a lot of coaches not available this Thursday. Enjoy the week and the weather.
TODAY: Players will need to enter through the Ticket Booth entrance of the game field. Again, players needs to wear masks. Players will complete their warm-ups, agility, and weight room. After the weight room, players will transition to the practice field for some football type drills. Players then will exit from the practice field. If you are getting picked up, have parents pick you up at the practice field.
Coach Peeler
REMINDER: Players need to bring masks for practice. They need to be worn during Health Screening portion. Once they leave that area, they can take them off. When entering the weight room, players must wear masks. Once the lifting starts, then players can take masks off. The masks can stay off as long as they are exercising. If you get done early and are standing around, masks must be on. Once you leave the weight room, masks are not required. This is based off the new mask policy set by the governor.
Coach Peeler
These need to be filled out letting me know if you are coming to practice or not. These are very important!!!
PRACTICE TIMES: I have had to change times. Please make sure you are there during your time based off your POD group!
Gold POD 2 – 3:45 – 5:20 (3:45 – 4:00 is Health Screening)
Gold POD 1 – 4:00 – 5:35 (4:00 – 4:15 is Health Screening)
Purple POD 2 – 4:15 – 5:50 (4:15 – 4:30 is Health Screening)
Purple POD 1 – 4:30 – 6:05 (4:30 – 4:45 is Health Screening)
1 Anderson, Troy
2 Drago, Ian
3 Forsman, Bryson
4 Garwood, Everett
5 Hecker, Corey
6 Herbert, Cobyn
7 Laing, Gavyn
8 Timpe, Ethan
9 Wigham, Blake
10 Wigham, Dlyan
11 Wilson, Desmond
12 Wolgamott, Ayden
1 Buckland, Quinton
2 Cantwell, Levin
3 Drago, Seth
4 Griffin, Mason
5 Herbert, Trentyn
6 Leturno, Colton
7 Porter, Joseph
8 Stirling, Grey
9 Taubr, Caleb
10 Thompson, Nathyn
11 Torres, Zeek
12 Walton, William
13 Wilson, Isaiah
1 Fox Ruben
2 Grover, Beau
3 Janeczko, Jacob
4 Koffler, Beau
5 Levine, Camden
6 Moye, Sam
7 Taubr, Brad
8 Warren, Koby
9 Wolgamott, Luke
1 Dorsey, Gavin
2 Gladwell, Benjamin
3 Hernandez, Alex
4 Highburger, Brett
5 Hunt, Tanner
6 Marshall, Quinton
7 Mayfield, Jeremiah
8 Rhodes, Jonathan
Here is an update from the District on Summer Workouts!
Athletes and Parents:
Hello Everyone! Athletes and parents are required to print out and sign the Summer Athletic Waiver form (see link below), and turn in to the coach prior to participating. Locker rooms will be used as restrooms only, so you will need to dress in the clothes that you plan to participate in. Please know that per OSAA/OHA/CDC guidelines, athletes will have their temperatures checked and a small screening process will take place prior to participation. It is encouraged that athletes bring their own water and hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer and other methods of disinfecting equipment will be available, but coaches will not be providing water and drinking fountains are closed. Along with hand sanitizer, coaches will have cleaner to wipe off equipment and will make sure athletes maintain appropriate social distancing at all times.
Athlete Waiver FRSD – COVID-19
Assuming Fall Sports will be allowed to take place due to the continuing COVID -19 pandemic, Family ID will open for Fall Sports registration August 6th and from 5:30-7:00 pm the school will be open for parents/athletes to pay fees and turn in supplemental paperwork that day. Please note, with registration, you will be asked to complete the Athletic Waiver form a second time even if you completed it for participation in summer activities. As of right now, Fall Athletics are still scheduled to begin practice August 17th. If something changes information will be posted.
Please get the Athletic Waiver signed and returned to me prior to attending your first summer workout practice. Summer Workouts will start either Monday June 29th or Tuesday June 30th. Times and locations will come soon. You can send forms to several ways:
- Print the form, sign, scan, send it via email
- Print the form, sign, take a picture on your smartphone, send it via email.
- Iphone users can use the pen in the upper corner on a document. You can add text boxes and sign directly. Then just email it to me.
- Download the PDF to your computer, add a text box with athlete and parent/guardian name and date, send it via email.
Remember that summer workouts are not mandatory. If you don’t feel safe coming, please stay home. We will be following the OSAA/OHA/District guidelines for the workouts. We will be focusing on weight room, speed/agility, and football skill development. I do recommend checking the district, high school, and football website frequently for updated information. Also, feel free to email me with any questions.
District Website –
High School Website –
Falcon Football Website –
We need to cancel film night tomorrow night. With 8h grade promotion and busy end of the school year, we are not able to do it. Sorry!
I wanted to let everyone know what is going on for Summer Falcon Football. Due to the Governor Executive Order 20-20 that schools must remain closed until June 30 AND recent notification from school insurance agencies, all schools in the Sky-Em league have agreed to follow the directions and remain closed, this includes athletics and district facilities, until at least June 30th. This means that the earliest we can start activities would be July 1st unless something changes. We don’t know when we will get information about Fall Sports. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me (
Coach Peeler
I want to welcome our new coaches to the Falcon Football staff. We have hired Rick Gardner as our new Offensive Coordinator and Patrick Wondra as our new JV Head Coach/Defensive Coordinator. We has also added Tracy Highburger and John Rhodes as volunteer coaches. Here is a list of the coaches.
Justin Peeler – Head Coach
Rick Gardner – Varsity Offensive Coordinator
Gary Doughty – Varsity Defensive Coordinator
Ryan Wolgamott – Varsity Assistant Coach
Patrick Wondra – JV Head Coach/Defensive Coordinator
Scott Wolgamott – JV Offensive Coordinator
Tracy Highburger – JV Assistant Coach
John Rhodes – JV Assistant Coach
I am very excited to have all these coaches joining us this upcoming season.
Go Falcons!
Below is a message from the Helmet DELEAR. School provides a Ridell Speed helmet. If you are interested in a leasing or buying a Ridell Speed Flex, you must visit the website below.
Riddell, Schutt, & Xenith have all been forced to shut down production during this Coronavirus situation.
We just received word from Riddell, that this backlog will delay delivery until at least Aug. 15th, for orders not in the system.
What does this mean?
If you have parents that want to lease helmets, they need to order NOW! We have anticipated some helmets (Flex), and colors for parent leases, but once we run out, there probably won’t be an opportunity for the parents/players to lease helmets after July 1st. – We will be out, and the manufacturers will not be able to deliver. Send your parents to to order.
For new helmet orders… time will be 4+ weeks, especially for painted helmets. So anticipate your needs as well.
This will be a very challenging & wacky year. Work with us, so we can make it as smooth as possible.
Thanks & BE SAFE!!
Mark Elmblade
Please fill out the following form. This is to let me know if who is interested in playing football this next Fall. This is not the official sign-up. This is more for me to get to sizes for shirts and shorts. Also to figure out how many helmets I need to order. We lease our helmets and I need to order them soon.
Coach Peeler
We will have our end of the season football banquet on Tuesday November 19th at 6pm in the Cafeteria at the High School. We will do JV awards at 6pm with food right after. Varsity awards will start as soon as people have food. My hope is to get it all done by 7:30pm. Please be on time, so we can get started.
Please bring food based on below:
Seniors – Desert
Juniors – Side Dish
Sophomores and Freshman – Main Dish
Coach Peeler
JV game for this Thursday has been changed to next Monday 9th. Game is still at Siuslaw. Game time is still at 5:30pm.
Coach Peeler
Pre-Game and Halftime Snacks Needed:
Pure Protein Bars – Costco
Granola Bars – Nature Valley
Fruit Snacks – Costco has some great options
Trail Mix – Small packages for kids to each real quick
Propel Flavored Water
Money donated for Crustables and bananas too. I usually buy these the night before games. Donation of these items are great too.
We have around 30 players playing in JV games and 35 players playing in Varsity games. The players really appreciate these snacks and I feel they help them perform at a higher level.
Coach Peeler
Sports physicals will be Wednesday August 7th from 10am to 4pm at Elmira High School. $20 fee.
The Falcon Football Team Store is now open. This is where you can purchase any spirit wear for the season. The store will be open until midnight on Wednesday August 14. After it closes, then it will take around 3 – 4 weeks to complete. All items will be delivered to me and I will then pass it out. There are a lot of options this year with items having multiple color options. Please look it over. The hope is to have it by the Siuslaw Varsity game. The link is below.
Coach Peeler
On August 5 – August 8, the Elmira Falcon Football Team and coaches will be hosting their Future Falcon Football Camp. Camp registration is August 5 at 5:30pm. Camp will be from 6pm – 8pm on the practice field. This is for incoming 2nd – 8th graders. The cost is $40 and checks must be made to EHS. Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt at the end. We will learn the basics of offensive positions, defensive positions, and tackling techniques. We also will play some fun games at the end of each day. The Flyer is below.
Coach Peeler
FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our sports programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs. All families will be required to use FamilyID. There will be no paper option. There will still be an Athletic Registration Monday August 12, 2019. There will be chromebooks available to allow parents to input their information. Parents are not required to be at this registration. They can come to meet coaches and get practice schedules. The online registration is due by Thursday August 15, 2019 to be eligible to play fall sports.
It will be helpful to have the following information handy to allow for accurate completion of your online registration.
- Doctor information, Health Insurance Information, Student ID
- Hard Copy of a current Physical Form
Dear Player/Parents:
The Elmira High School Football team is sponsoring our 1st annual LIFT-A-THON to emphasize the importance of our off-season workouts and to provide support for our program by raising funds to pay for new equipment and gear.
- Each player will perform three core exercises, squat, power clean and bench press.
- Each player will get $.01 / $.05 / $ .10 donations per pound (flat donations are acceptable). The amount of your pledge will be based on the player’s combined weight lifted.
- This is our main football fundraising event – Player goal is $60.00 and Team goal is $3,000.00.
- Important Dates:
- LIFT-A-THON – Thursday August 15th (4:00pm-6:00) in the Weight Room during High School Team Camp.
Here is the sponsorship/pledge form:
Thanks and let’s make this a successful event!
Coach Peeler
West Lane Fitness wants to offer a 4 week plyometric/strength and conditioning program to our high school football players. This would be led by an ex-navy seal trainer. The class would be every Tuesday and Thursday for the 4 weeks at West Lane Fitness in Veneta, OR. This program will be affiliated with the fitness center, not football, but provide pre-season training to get players more ready for the up coming season. The cost would be $69. Checks would be made to West Lane Fitness. Time will be around 12:00pm or 1:00pm. Again, this is a great opportunity for players to be pushed a little more and to help them prepare for the season. We need to have at least 5 players, but I am hoping we will have more players interested. If interested, please let me know ASAP through Remind or email me at This would start next Tuesday and last for 4 weeks. I hope to see a lot of players interested and there.
Coach Peeler
The football staff has thought long and hard about our Team Camp to George Fox. At this time, we have decided to cancel going to that team camp.
We will be doing one of two things:
- Do our own team camp the same Friday night and All day Saturday. The cost of this would be around $50 per player to help offset the cost of food and other items.
- Do our own team camp on Friday night and then go to Western Oregon for a one day camp. This would cost $70 per player. I have a call in to Western to see if this still open and to get more info. Players may need to bring some money for lunch and dinner, but not sure yet. This camp had renegade (players not with a team) that we may be able to pick up as lineman.
Either way, this would save parents a lot of money. I want to keep the schedule and calendar the same for now. I know parents plan around the calendar.
if you have not paid for camp yet, please hold off until I finalize what we are doing. If you have paid already, I will be in contact with you sometime early in the week.
Thanks for the understanding,
Coach Peeler
First practice is Tuesday from 3:40 – 5:30. Players will only need cleats for practice. 8th graders will need bus notes to ride the bus to high school or walk. Lets make this season great!
Coach Peeler
Monday is the helmet fitting day. Current high school players will be fitted during lunch in the weight room. 8th graders will be during 7th period in the FRMS locker room. It is really important that all players are at school on Monday to be fitted.
Coach Peeler
We will start offering weight training in the evenings from 6:30pm-7:30pm starting next week. We will do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. We will not do next Thursday since we have the parents meeting.
See Attached Flyer
Coach Peeler
We will have a Parents Meeting next Thursday April 11 in the Theater at the EHS. We will go from 6:30-7:30. I hope to see everyone there. I will be covering Summer Calendars, Team Camp, and Communication (remind/website).
See attached Flyer
Coach Peeler
No Open Field today! Enjoy your last days of spring break. We will continue next Sunday.
Coach Peeler
Parents and/or Players,
Please fill out the following 2019 Player Information Form. This is used for coaches for information about players for the season and camp. Please complete as soon as possible. I need to start ordering shirts and shorts soon.
Coach Peeler
We will have our end of the season football banquet on Thursday November 8th at 6pm in the Cafeteria at the High School. We will do JV awards at 6pm with food right after. Varsity awards will start as soon as people have food. My hope is to get it all done by 7:30pm. Please be on time, so we can get started.
Please bring food based on below:
Seniors – Desert
Juniors – Side Dish
Sophomores and Freshman – Main Dish
Coach Peeler
JV game for tomorrow has been cancelled. There will be no practice today.
Varsity gear check-in is today at 3:30 for player who have not turned in gear yet.
JV gear check-in is Friday at 3:40 for all JV players. Please wash all clothing items before turning them in.
Coach Peeler
Varsity game this week is cancelled. Varsity gear check is tomorrow.
Coach Peeler
This week we have a JV game @ Thurston on Thursday @ 5pm and a Var game @ Stayton on Friday @ 7pm. These are just extra games not playoffs.
Coach Peeler
JV is practicing tomorrow from 12:30-1:30. There will be no practice on this Sunday.
Justin Peeler
I am in need of protein bars and granola bars. We have enough fruit snacks and trail mix for right now. I would prefer either the Costco protein bars or the Pure Protein bars. The nature valley granola bars as well. Any help is needed. Also, anyone wanted to donate a few dollars would be appreciated too. These snacks are used for pre-game for all the teams. I have been buying the crustables and bananas for halftime. So, money would help with that. Fruit can be donated too. The players really appreciate the snacks and I feel they are really helping both teams.
Coach Peeler
The football team needs to put together a basket for the EHS booster club fundraiser. It will be used as a silent auction item to help raise money. Our theme will be Tailgate. I would love either some donations or if you are willing too, donate $5 or so to help offset the cost. I need to start buying the items as it is due by next Friday September 28. Let me know by email if you are interested in donating items. Players can bring cash to me anytime. Any help would be very appreciated.
Coach Peeler
EHS Booster Club will be hosting a big fundraiser (Bingo, Brats, & Brew) on Saturday October 6th st the old Central Elementary School. This fundraiser will raise funds to help all Athletics. This event is for all ages. There will be Bingo, Silent Auction, and a Desert Auction. Also there will be a corn hole tournament. There will be food and drinks for purchase. All are welcome.
Official! Home games today. JV – 4pm and Varsity – 7pm. Also, reminder all outstanding fees due today to play!
The link below is one of our local employees who is new to the district. Jerry is our new employee who runs Chartwell’s K-12 Food Services at the Fern Ridge School District. Please visit his blog on Falcon Sports. He is doing a great job.
Tuesday – Practice from 3:40-6:10
Wednesday – Practice from 3:40-6:10 (Also PICTURE DAY). Players were supposed to bring home packets today.
Thursday – Varsity practice from 3:40-5:30. JV Game vs Dallas @ 5:30 (Home Game).
Friday – Varsity Game vs Siuslaw @ 7:00 (Away Game). Departure @ 4:00 (Locker Room by 3:30)
Coach Peeler
Jamboree Times have changed a little (as of yesterday). Marshfield has been added.
JV leaves at 2:30 (need to be in the locker room by 2:00). Their games are at 4:35pm and 5:45pm.
Varsity leaves at 5:00 (need to be in the locker room by 4:30). Their games are at 7:05pm and 8:15pm.
Coach Peeler
Spirit Pack is now re-opened (It will close on Sunday night August 26 at midnight). Please pick local pick-up. I will pick them up and deliver them. THIS WILL BE THE LAST CHANCE! Please order some apparel to wear at the games.
Coach Peeler
Friday Jamboree at Junction City:
JV will leave at 2:30pm. Games will be at 4:35pm and 5:10pm.
Varsity will leave at 4:30pm. Games will be at 6:35pm and 7:10pm.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow we have practice from 4pm to 6:30pm. Then we have our blitz card sale event from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Any parents who could help drive players around the community to sell, would be helpful. Remind players to bring both tennis shoes as well as cleats. We are hoping to be on the field, but things could change.
Also, the JV game vs Siuslaw was cancelled, but we found a replacement with Dallas. The game will still be at home at 5:30pm on Thursday August 30. We will need concession help for that game. If you are available, let me know. The JV game vs North Valley also has changed. It was supposed to be home, but there was a mix up with the Athletic Directors. We will do a double header in North Valley on Friday Sept. 7. JV at 4pm and Varsity at 7pm. They may change to home if the smoke is still really bad down there and good here. I will let people know if that changes.
Coach Peeler
Practice tomorrow will be from 7am-10am. This is because of the projected high heat and high smoke levels.
Coach Peeler
- Tomorrow after the second practice at 7:00pm we are doing pictures for buttons. All players will need to be there. Plan to pick them up later.
- Also, Friday night we have our Purple/Gold Game I have attached the flyer
- Spirit Pack is now open (It will close on Sunday night August 19 at midnight). Please pick local pick-up. I will pick them up and deliver them.
- If you were not at the meeting, your son needs to grab some paperwork. We need every player and parent to sign a consent form for the athletic trainer and a concussion form for the athletic trainer. Also, they will need to grab the bus transportation forms. I need all forms turned in by Friday.
- Sell, Sell, Sell. We have started our Card Sales. Please help and encourage your son to sell cards. This fundraiser is used to help get new equipment as well as apparel for players.
- I still need a parent to volunteer to coordinate and run the concession stand. We make around $1800 from this. I will have a sign up sheet for volunteers to work concessions at the purple/gold game.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow, we have our Parent/Player Meeting at 7pm in the Theater. All Parents and Players need to be there. Also, we have impact testing for all Freshman, Juniors, and any new students at 3:30pm. I hope to see all parents there tomorrow night.
Coach Peeler
Here is some information about things happening soon!
Today – I will be at the High School around 5pm for any player that needs equipment. Camp practice from 6-8.
Thursday by noon – Athletic registration needs to be done by Thursday at noon. Reminder all registration must be done online at Paying can either be done online or turning it in to bookkeeper at High School.
Thursday – I will be at the High School around 4:45pm for weight training. Camp practice from 6-8.
Friday through Sunday – Team Camping Trip – Cost $10 to cover food and camping sites. Please have son’s let me know ASAP if they are going and pay me too. We need to buy groceries and need to know how many people.
Monday – Start of daily doubles. 8am-11am and 5pm-7pm.
Tuesday – Same times. Also parents meeting from 7pm-8pm in the Theater at the High School. Also the start of our card sale fundraiser. We will also some players doing the impact (online concussion protocol) before the second practice. I will let those players know.
Wednesday – Same times
Thursday – Same times
Friday – 8am-10am and 7pm-9pm (Purple/Gold Game). Players need to be at the High School by 6:30pm.
Coach Peeler
We are excited to announce that we are now offering the convenience of online registration through FamilyID.
FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our sports programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs. All families will be required to use FamilyID. There will be no paper option. There will still be an Athletic Registration Monday August 6, 2018. There will be 12 chromebooks available to allow parents to input their information. Parents are not required to be at this registration. They can come to meet coaches and get practice schedules. The online registration is due by Thursday August 9, 2018 to be eligible to play fall sports.
It will be helpful to have the following information handy to allow for accurate completion of your online registration.
- Doctor information, Health Insurance Information, Student ID
- Option to upload current Physical Form
We will be having our annual team camping trip from Friday August 10th to Sunday August 12th at Sutton Lake Campground (Florence, OR). Our team has reserved all of loop D. Our mission is to get as many players going to this camping trip to work on connecting as a team. We are asking for $10 per player attending to help offset the cost for the camping site and food. Each player would be provided with meals (Friday Dinner, Saturday Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, Sunday Breakfast). $10 is a great deal for all those meals. We would love to also except any food donations (bags of chips, fruits, tortillas, bottled water, peanut butter, jelly, etc.) If you are interested in donating food, please talk with either Danyel Parker or Cortnie Peeler. We will also except cash donations to help with purchasing of food. If parents/families would like to join us camping, their cost would be $40 (these would be non-hookups). This pays for their camping spot for the weekend. We could use help with preparing meals and chaperones.
Coach Peeler
On July 30 – August 2, the Elmira Falcon Football Team and coaches will be hosting their Future Falcon Football Camp. Camp registration is July 30 at 5:30pm. Camp will be from 6pm – 8pm on the practice field. This is for incoming 2nd – 8th graders. The cost is $40 and checks must be made to EHS. Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt at the end. We will learn the basics of offensive positions, defensive positions, and tackling techniques. We also will play some fun games at the end of each day. The Flyer is below.
Coach Peeler
I am cancelling the Central Linn 7-on-7 this weekend. With camp just getting over and basketball camp this weekend, we feel the players need the break. See everyone on Monday. Reminder it is from 6:00 to 7:30.
Coach Peeler
Camp is this Friday through Monday. I have reserved a school bus to take players there and bring them home on Monday. Players are not required to ride the bus. If they do ride the bus, it will be $10. Players will need to load the bus at 8:15am and leave by 8:30am on Friday. We will load in the front of the school. Then on Monday, we will leave around 11:30am to come home.
Things players will need to bring for camp:
All bedding (only mattress provided)
Extra clothing to wear when not playing
Stuff for showering and hygiene (i.e., tooth brush, shampoo, etc.)
Swimsuit and towels
Spending money
All football equipment gear and cleats
Coach Peeler
We will be handing out gear this Thursday during and after practice for camp. All players can get gear now. We will continue on Monday for those who do not make it.
Also, reminder that money and waivers are due this Friday for Team Camp.
Coach Peeler
I need all Team Camp Money and Waiver turned in by Friday June 15th. Please turn it in to Mrs. Boytz the bookkeeper at EHS. Checks need to be written to EHS Football. 8th graders can turn them in to me. I need to have the payment ready for camp the next week. I sent home with each player their amount they owe. If you did not get anything and need to know, email me at
Coach Peeler
With some players at the fundraiser and some not able to make it, we are extending the fundraiser until Monday night. We will close it on Tuesday. That means, you can continue to get donations throughout the long weekend. I was talking to the fundraising company last night. Since they set this all up and help run it, they get a cut of the money. That means, I would highly encourage players trying to get as much as they can to cover camp. Any extra goes back to the team. Next week, I will have a spreadsheet of how much each player raised. If you were not at the fundraiser, you need to see Mr. Guldager (Mr. Peeler at the Middle School) tomorrow to get the paper with directions. You can still get as much funding as possible. If you are not going to camp, all that you raise goes to the team to help with equipment and gear cost. This fundraiser is one of the easiest we have done. Some players raised over $200 in just 45 minutes yesterday. Send the texts to as many people you know. It really adds up fast.
Coach Peeler
Reminder we have our team fundraiser tomorrow from 3:45 to 4:45. We need all players there. This will help with team camp cost as well as help with equipment needs during the season. If you did not turn in your paperwork, you must bring it tomorrow to the fundraiser.
Coach Peeler
Just a reminder about the paperwork being due tomorrow. High School give it to either Guldager or Monegan. Middle School give it to me. Also, the fundraiser will take place from 3:45 to 4:45 on Monday May 21. It is really important that all players be there to participate.
Coach Peeler
There is a team fundraiser meeting tomorrow at 3:45pm in Mr. Shannon’s room (rm 30). This is for players only. All players need to be there!
Coach Peeler
We are cancelling the Open Field on this Sunday. It is Mothers Day and we all need to spend time with them.
Coach Peeler
I am attaching a flyer from LinePro. They are putting on two clinics in Springfield in May. These are ex-college and ex-NFL lineman running this camp. Great opportunity to learn a lot of technique. I would love to hear a lot of lineman are going.
Linepro Clinics – Eugene Flyer 5-5 5-19
Coach Peeler
There will be a player/parent meeting on Tuesday April 24, 2018 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the theater at EHS. All players need to be there to be fitted for a helmet as we lease all helmets. We will also discuss a fundraiser for team camp. Please try your best to get to this meeting as it is difficult to make another time to get fitted for helmets. Also, don’t forget to fill out BOTH the player information and team camp Forms!
Coach Peeler
I have updated both the Google Calendar and PDF Calendar. We have some Fundraising events in May and 7-on-7 events in June. Please keep an eye on the calendars.
Coach Peeler
I need everyone to fill out the Player Info and Camp Info forms. They are listed under the Player Info tab as well as below. This is needed to be done as soon as possible. The camp form is needed to let the team camp know how many beds are needed. Also, we need to order helmets. This is very important. Also, Open Field this Sunday from 2pm to 4pm.
2018 Team Camp Information Form
Coach Peeler
Parent’s Meeting on Wednesday March 21, 2018 from 6:30 to 7:15 in the Theater at Elmira High School. We will discuss Team Camp, Spring/Summer Calendar, Fundraisers, and Communications (Remind and Team Website).
Coach Peeler
Open field will start on Sunday March 18, 2018. It will be every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm on the EHS game field. This is for Running Backs, Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, Linebackers, Defensive Backs, and Centers. This is a great opportunity to start working on our PASSING game! Hope to see a lot of players there for some fun. I am not allowed to coach, but will supervise. See attached flyer.
Coach Peeler
8th graders starting Monday may attend the morning workouts. They will be Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6:45am to 7:45am. They will get on the bus and be transported to the Middle School. They need to bring a towel, shampoo, soap, and a change of clothes. I hope to see them there. See attached Flyer.
Coach Peeler
Starting Wednesday Feb. 28, I will be opening the weight room for all football players. I will be opening it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. First week only Wednesday and Thursday. It will be open at 6:45am. Players can shower at 8am for school. Thank you to all the players who came to the Max Testing workouts. I have added all the players to our new workout app PLT4M. If for some reason you did not get it set-up, please do so before Wednesday or check with me then. Weight Training is a great way to prepare for sports while helping prevent injuries.
We need to hold off on the 8th graders for right now. I need to get a bus set-up to transport them to the middle school.
Champions are Made in the Off-Season!
Coach Peeler
If you want to be deleted from this notification, just put your email into the subscribe box and click unsubscribe.
Coach Peeler
On Tuesday Feb. 20 and Friday Feb. 23, the Football team will have a meeting to discuss the future of Elmira Football. We will also go to the weight room and do a 5+ Max test on Bench, Squats, and Cleans to start our new lifting program. I would like to have all players who plan on playing next season at the meetings. We will meet in Room 30 (Scott Shannons Room) at 3:30pm. We will be done by 5:00pm each day.
Coach Peeler
Go Falcons!
We will have our end of the season football banquet on Tuesday November 14th at 6pm in the Cafeteria at the High School. We will do JV awards at 6pm with food right after. Varsity awards will start as soon as people have food. My hope is to get it all done by 7:30pm. Please be on time, so we can get started.
Please bring food based on below:
Seniors – Desert
Juniors – Side Dish
Sophomores and Freshman – Main Dish
Coach Peeler
I need all players to wash and clean all their gear to turn in on Tuesday Oct. 31 right after school. Since it is Halloween, we will try to get it all turned in quickly. We will not except any dirty gear. Again, please wash and clean them before Tuesday. What ever gear is not excepted or turned in will be charged to that player. If for some reason this date does not work, please let me know ASAP.
Coach Peeler
Click on the link below for the Itinerary for this Friday. This will let you know our plan for trip.
Coach Peeler
JV game for tomorrow is Cancelled.
Coach Peeler
Parents and fans can listen to the game on the following options.
92.5 fm in Veneta/Elmira area
streaming at
Coach Peeler
If you are interested in supporting Falcon Football, we are now selling car stickers. The cost is $2.oo each. They are great quality and will last. Either let your son know if you want any or how many. You could also email me at
Coach Peeler
Reminder we have practice Monday from 5 to 7:30. Also, Varsity, when washing white tops, cold water and no drying. Hang dry. Try to wash as soon as possible to not let stains set in. Great Job this week for both Varsity and JV. Lets continue to work hard and get wins. Also, Spaghetti Dinner/Auction, we raised $3200. Thank you to those families who came out to support Falcon Football.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow during practice is team pictures. Varsity is at 4:15 and JV is at 4:45. Both teams will wear their White tops and purple pants. Have players bring both jerseys to be safe. Picture packets have been out since last Thursday. We have more in the coaches office.
Coach Peeler
This Saturday August 26 at 6pm in the Fern Ridge Middle School Commons, we will be host our 1st annual Spaghetti Dinner/Auction. This event will help the football program raise money to help purchase equipment, player attire, and training equipment. All player received three ticket to try and sell for the event (Please encourage them to sell, we need people there to help make this a success). Adults are $20 and 12 and under are $10. Here are a list of auction items:
Footballs (Signed by JV and Varsity) – 2 each team
Football Team Pictures Framed (Signed by JV and Varsity – 1 each team
First Play – Who wins, get to choose the first play at our first home varsity game
Senior Jersey – Who wins, get their choice of their son’s home or away jersey at the end of the season
Load of Gravel – Wartenbee Trucking
Three baskets – Herbert’s (Ground beef and extras), UPS, Avon
BBQ – Two BBQ, one weber and one table top
Buddy Heater
Lularoe Certificate
We also need donations of pasta and sauce. Any amount is grateful. Please have your son bring the donations to a practice to collect.
Coach Peeler
Reminder practice times this week are:
Monday – 4-7
Tuesday – 4-7
Wednesday – 4-7
Thursday – 4-6
Friday – Jamboree in Junction City
Coach Peeler
Below is the link for the spirit pack form. All orders must be done by August 28. The form says August 21, but we are extending the time. On the flyer it has the website to go to and then you can order spirit pack. Please allow two weeks past closing date for production. I will receive all the product once it is done. I will then pass it on to your son. Order some product and support your son and our program.
Coach Peeler
This next Saturday August 26 at 6pm in the Fern Ridge Middle School Commons, we will be host our 1st annual Spaghetti Dinner/Auction. This event will help the football program raise money to help purchase equipment, player attire, and training equipment. All player received three ticket to try and sell for the event. Adults are $20 and 12 and under are $10. I would love to have the players to try and sell them and turn in the money on Monday at practice. If you need more tickets, please let me know. I hope to see all of you and other community members there to support our program.
We also need donations of pasta and sauce. Any amount is grateful. Please have your son bring the donations to a practice to collect.
Coach Peeler
There will be a Parents Meeting this Wednesday (August 16) from 7pm to 8pm. This will take place in the High School Theater. I would like all parents or at least one parent for each player. We will cover Rules, School Policies, and Fundraisers. I hope to see everyone there.
Coach Peeler
We will be practicing on the practice field. Meet in the locker room. We will hand out lockers!
Monday – 8am to 11am Helmets Only and 5pm to 7pm Helmets Only
Tuesday – 8am to 11am Helmets Only and 5pm to 7pm Weights and Film (No Gear)
Wednesday – 8am to 11am Shoulder Pads/Helmets Only and 5pm to 7pm Shoulder Pads/Helmets Only
Thursday – 8am to 11am Full Gear and 5pm to 7pm Weights and Film (No Gear)
Friday – 8am to 10am Full Gear and 6:30pm to 9pm Purple/Gold Scrimmage Game Full Gear
Coach Peeler
Friday night August 18 from 7pm to 9pm. Please come watch and support your players. Great opportunity to see the progress of our team. Please click on Flyer below for details.
Coach Peeler
Today Camp will be from 5pm to 7pm on the baseball field. No weight training. The coaches have a mandatory meeting at 7pm.
Coach Peeler
Monday through Thursday
5 to 5:45 – weight training
6 to 8 – camp/practice
Hope to see everyone.
Coach Peeler
We are moving our weight training time from 4:15 – 5:15 to 5:30 – 6:30. This hopefully will help with heat. The weight room is air conditioned which will also help.
Coach Peeler
Moratorium Week! – (Sunday July 23 – Saturday July 29) – Each year a seven-day OSAA Moratorium Week shall be in effect during which there shall be no contact between administrators/coaches/directors/advisors and students involved in any OSAA-sanctioned sport or activity, including cheer, dance/drill, speech, solo music, choir, band/orchestra. In addition, there shall be no high school athletic facility usage by athletic staff and students/teams, including dance/drill and cheer, during the OSAA Moratorium Week. Use of non-athletic facilities by athletic staff is allowed.
Practice After Moratorium Week! – We will have practice Monday July 31 – Thursday August 3 from 4:15pm to 5:15pm. Weight Room is where we will meet. See all of you then.
Coach Peeler
Fall Sports sign-ups will be here before you know it! Sports Registration night at EHS is scheduled for Thursday, August 3rd from 5:30-7:30 PM. Below is some information.
- Fall Sports include: Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Cross Country, Football and Volleyball.
- Registration night is August 3rd—mark your calendar.
- The first day of Fall Sports practices are scheduled for Monday, August 14th.
- All paperwork must be turned in by noon on Friday August 11th in order to be eligible to practice on Monday.
- If you need an updated physical for 17-18 (needed every 2 years), it is best to get scheduled early. There is one “low-cost” option at FRMS from 10AM-4PM on the 14th ($20). Unfortunately, this is the only day the Dr. was available, so if your physical has expired and you utilize this option, you will not be able to practice until the second day, August 15th.
All players, please fill out the google form as soon as possible. I need this information for ordering.
Player Information Form – 2017
Coach Peeler
This year, Elmira Falcon Football, will be hosting it annual Future Falcon Football Camp July 31 – August 3 from 6pm to 8pm. This camp will take place on the outfield of the High School Baseball Field. The cost will be $40 for campers entering 2nd – 8th grade. Please make all checks payable to EHS. Below is the flyer and registration form for the camp. Please spread the word.
Coach Peeler
We need to finalize our fundraiser. Any player that still has cards and/or money out needs to turn it in tonight at practice. I need to meet with the fundraising company tomorrow to finalize the money. We did an OK job on selling the cards especially with the limited amount of time we had. I really appreciated all the players and parents who sold cards. I also appreciated all the parents who helped out with the blitz night. All this helps our program out.
Coach Peeler
Reminder that our practices are now back to Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. The school district is starting to do some field maintenance on the Game and Practice Field. We will be using the Baseball Field for more practices when needed. Our main focus will be on weight training and agility. Please park and/or drop off your child in the back of the school by the weight room. We will be spending our time in the weight room and gym for practices for most of July. You can also pick up your child in the back too.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow the bus will pick up the players at 2pm. We should be home now between 4pm and 4:30pm. Be at the high school by 4:15pm.
Coach Peeler
I need to move the bus departure to 8am. Check in time has been change a little. We will load at 7:45am and leave at 8am. Also, kids who are riding the bus will need to pay $10. It would be nice to get that tonight if possible. Return time is still the same.
Also, We need to turn in all cards and money from the fundraiser tonight as well.
Coach Peeler
Here is the plan for Team Camp:
Bus will load in the front of the EHS at 8:15am and depart at 8:30am for South Western Oregon Community College in Coos Bay, OR on Thursday July 6th. I would like to check in by 11am for Camp (so, players going on their own, be there by 11am). The bus will then load at 5pm and depart at 5:15pm for Elmira High School on Saturday July 8th. We should arrive between 7pm and 7:30pm on Saturday night. This is a full contact camp, so all players need to bring all their football gear. We will be staying at SWOCC for the camp. We sleep in the dorms and will eat in the cafeteria. They will provide us with three meals a day.
Things to bring to camp:
Sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, towel and some clothes for after practice. I would also bring some extra money for snacks. Again, all football gear too.
Coach Peeler
Since we are doing our fundraiser, I need to change practice on Friday from 6pm to 5pm. We will go 5pm to 6:30pm. We will have a fundraiser blitz on Friday after practice from 6:30 to 8:30. This event is where the kids go out into the community and try to sell as many cards as possible. The players are on teams. There will be a reward for the team that sells the most cards during the Blitz.
Thank you for being Flexible,
Coach Peeler
I would like to do gear check-out this week. Here is the plan:
Today (Tuesday) – Varsity Gear Check-out – 4:45pm to 5:45pm
Tomorrow (Wednesday) – Junior Varsity Gear Check-out – 4:45pm to 5:45pm
Thursday – Baseball Player Gear Check-out – 4:45pm to 5:45pm
Reminder we have practice everyday this week with Thursday and Friday required gear days for team camp.
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the Transportation Form below if you are going to Marshfield Team Football Camp.
Coach Peeler
If you have not paid for camp or completed the waiver for camp, it needs to be done as soon as possible. The bookkeeper only can write me a check for camp until next Tuesday, June 27th. I will bring extra waivers. I need them before camp.
Coach Peeler
Reminder that all practices are now from 6pm to 7:30pm starting tomorrow. Next week we will go everyday to get ready for team camp. Thursday and Friday next week are required equipment days for camp. I hope to see everyone at practices. We can only be as good as we want to be. Off-season is where champions are made.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow we will be kicking off a fundraiser where the kids will sell cards with coupons to local and larger companies in the area. We will finish practice with information. All kids will be coming home with 10 cards. The goal is for each player to sell 10 cards. There will be prices for selling. This could be a good fundraiser for our program to help offset equipment costs, and other needs as we go. I would really like to have a good turn-out tomorrow at practice from 6pm to 7:30pm. This fundraiser will go until Friday June 30. We will do a blitz day where the players will go out trying to sell to locals or people from 6pm to 8pm. Again, the more players participating, the better results we can have. I want to knock this fundraiser out of the park.
Coach Peeler
Reminder that today is our first spring practice. We will be doing weight room and field activities. Practice is from 3:40 to 5:00. Meet on the practice field at 3:40. Our next practice will be Thursday from 3:40 to 5:00.
Coach Peeler
No weights today!
No Open Field for QB/WR/RB Today.
Coach Peeler
Open field today from 3:45 to 4:45 on game field.
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the Player Team Camp Information Form below. I need to send in the t-shirt order as soon as possible. Please get this done.
Coach Peeler
No Weight Training Tonight!
Coach Peeler
No Open Field Today.
Coach Peeler
Please fill out the Player Team Camp Information Form under the Player Info tab. This lets me know if you are going to team camp at Marshfield this summer. I need to get helmets ready and they would like the number of players and coaches going. This is very important. It takes 20 seconds to fill out.
Coach Peeler
Reminder we will have QB/RB/WR open field today from 3:45 – 4:45. Enjoy the weather.
Coach Peeler
Due to Baseball and Softball games as well as awards meeting tomorrow, Open Field for tomorrow is cancelled. We will shoot for next week.
Coach Peeler
Under the Calendar tab is the PDF version of our new calendar for the 2017 season. The google calendar is also updated.
Also, Tomorrow Mr. Brands will be doing Open Field for QB/WR/RB. Hope your able to make it.
Coach Peeler
Open Field today 3:45 to 4:45 Game field.
Coach Peeler
Mr. Brands will be available to work with all Quarterbacks and Receiver on the game field. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Thursday April 13 – 3:45pm to 4:45pm
Coach Peeler
Mr. Brands will be available to work with all Quarterbacks and Receiver on the game field. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Thursday April 5 – 3:45pm to 4:45pm
Coach Peeler
Reminder that there is QB/WR/RB Open Field with Mr. Brands from 3:15 to 4:15 on game field tomorrow April 1st.
Coach Peeler
We are not going to have weight training this week. We will start up after the break.
Coach Peeler
Coach Brands will be available to work with all Quarterbacks and Receiver on the game field. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Thursday March 23 – 3:45pm to 4:45pm
Saturday April 1 – 3:15pm to 4:15pm
Coach Peeler
Starting later this week, you now can workout at the High School. Coaches will have a workout for you to follow. There are two options for players.
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:45am to 8:00am (No 8th graders yet please. Need to work on busing)
- This will start on Wednesday
- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00pm to 7:30pm (8th graders welcome).
- This will start on Thursday
Please take advantage of these times and get into the weight room. The season can only be as good as players want to work. Lifting is important not only for performance, but for preventing injuries. I hope all players take advantage of this opportunity.
Coach Peeler
This summer our football team will be going the Marshfield for a Football Team Camp. This camp is cheaper and closer than Camp Rilea. This camp is from July 6 – 8. It will still be a contact (gear) camp with scrimmages and other competitions. Please fill out the google form below ASAP! This will help me know my numbers for Marshfield Team Football Camp and how many helmets to lease. I want to take all grades to camp.
Coach Peeler
Player Team Camp Information Form
Here is the breakdown for the banquet on next tuesday nov. 15.
Seniors – desert
Juniors – side dish
Fresh and sophomore – Main Dish
Also, JV awards at 6pm, then we will eat, with varsity awards after eating. I would love to see everyone there.
Coach Peeler
Thursday (Nov. 3) after school I need all equipment and cosmo (money or product) turned in. I need to finalize all items. Also, lockers need to be cleaned out by Thursday as well. I will charge for equipment and cosmo starting Friday. Please get it in.
Coach Peeler
The football banquet will be on Tuesday Nov. 15th at 6pm in the Cafeteria in Elmira High School. I will send more details as to what to bring. Mark your calendars.
Coach Peeler
Tomorrow after school all players (Varsity and Junior Varsity) need to turn-in their gear (Washed and Clean Please).
Coach Peeler
Well, if you don’t know by now, we missed the play-offs by one spot overall. It has been an up and down year for sure. I am so proud to have had the opportunity to coach these players. We will be practicing tomorrow from 3:40 to 4:40. We will be watching game film and discussing final items for the year. As of right now, we have not found a team to play this next week. I also want to talk to players to see if they are in or out. I will also announce all-league honors as well. Please make sure all players are there.
Coach Peeler
Here is a picture of the packet. It says on right side that you can order online with the wedsite listed using the picture day ID#. Hope this helps.
Coach Peeler
Today, JV did not get their packets. I know parents can order photos online. If you want to fill out a packet, JV pictures are at 4:45pm. They will need to bring their home uniform. Varsity pictures are at 4:15pm. Most olayers grabbed packet but if they did not, parents can show up at 4:15. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Coach Peeler
I will be sending home today picture packets for team and/or individual pictures. The pictures are tomorrow during practice. Players will need their home uniforms tops/bottoms for the pictures.
Coach Peeler
The Falcon Football team is once again doing the cosmo fundraiser. The goal is for every player to sell one case. Each case has 12 bags in them. Each bag cost $4. Guaranty Chevorlet has sponsored our team this year again allowing our program to keep all $4. Please encourage all player to get out and sell that one case. There will be rewards for players to earn throughout the even. My hope is to have this fundraiser completed by Wednesday Oct. 5th. Make any checks out to EHS.
Coach Peeler
JV game is tomorrow at 5pm. Kids leave at 2:25pm. I had it writtwn down as 5:30. Sorry for the mess-up.
Coach Peeler
Please check out my new menu PHOTOS! There is a link to the Elmira Sports Photography Facebook page. These are volunteers taking photos of players during high school sports events. They are great photos.
Coach Peeler
Buttons for jv and varsity are ready. We will have then at the game on Friday. 1 for $3 or 2 for $5. If we need to make more just let us know.
We are also collecting money for senior cutouts. Theses will be displayed at the home games to honor our seniors. Cost is $30 if you want a cutout. We will be placing the order on Sunday so money will need to be turned in by Friday night. Money goes to Danyel Parker.
Coach Peeler
we found a parent to pick up the subway order. Thank you Andrew Kilmer.
Reminder we do have practice tomorrow from 3:30pm to 6:00pm. This will be a helmets only practice.
Coach Peeler
Parents two things,
First, at this point, i really need parents to step up and help in the concession stand. Again, by doing this, our program gets half the money earned. Right now, booster club is considering giving this opportunity to another program. We would lose around $2000 plus. So, please step up and help. If this is something you can help with, please call Crystal Schmidt at (541) 935-5013.
Second, we need a varsity parent to pick up the subway order at 1pm on this friday for the players road trip. If you can, please email me at
Coach Peeler
We need help during football games in the concession stand. It is helpful to have Varsity parents help during JV games and JV parents help during Varsity games. By having parents run the concession stand, the booster club donates half of the money earned back to the football program. If this is something you can help with, please call Crystal Schmidt at (541) 935-5013.
Coach Peeler
JV Football game as been moved from Friday 4pm at home to Thursday at 7pm at home. JV will be playing Triangle Lake.
Coach Peeler
Reminder, practice schedule for the week:
Monday – 3:30pm to 6:00pm (Helmets Only)
Tuesday – 3:30pm to 6:00pm (Full Gear)
Wednesday – 3:30pm to 6:00pm (Full Gear)
Thursday – 3:30pm to 5:30pm (Helmets Only)
Friday – Game Day!
Coach Peeler
We need volunteers and help for this next season.
First, we need help during football games in the concession stand. It is helpful to have Varsity parents help during JV games and JV parents help during Varsity games. By having parents run the concession stand, the booster club donates half of the money earned back to the football program. If this is something you can help with, please call Crystal Schmidt at (541) 935-5013.
Second, we need help with Varsity team dinners by either helping or donating items for the dinners. If you are available or want to donate food, please text Danyel Parker (541) 556-0889 and she will put you on a group text list. Our first Varsity team dinner for all Varsity players will be Thursday September 1st at 6:30pm.
Coach Peeler
- Practice tonight (8/18) will be from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the HIGH SCHOOL. We will do 45 minutes weight room and 45 minutes classroom.
- Practice tomorrow (8/19) will be from 8am to 11am at the High School. There will be no evening practice tomorrow night. The heat index will be too high.
- We will still have the Purple/Gold Game on Saturday (8/20) from 11am to 1pm.
Coach Peeler
We now are offering Spirit Pack clothing for families and players. There is a link below the pictures that will send you to Web Store. Enter the code – EFFB16 into the Web Store. Once you enter the store, click on the item you would like to purchase and pick the size. You will pay for the items online. The Web Store will close on Friday, August 26, 2016. It will take between one to two weeks after it closes to finalize the items. I will deliver the items to the players once they are finished.
Below is a flyer for our Purple/Gold Game on Saturday August 20, 2016 from 11am to 1pm. I would love to have all of the player’s families at this event to support them. Click on the link below the picture for a printable version.
Tomorrow and Friday, practice times are being changed to help with the heat. Both days, we will practice 8am to 11am and 5pm to 7pm. Reminder Purple/Gold Game/Parents Meeting/BBQ is Saturday from 11am to 1pm.
Coach Peeler
Players must have nine days of practice (not nine practices, but days) to be eligible for the Jamboree on Friday August 26. All players must have two days of helmets only before helmets and shoulder pads. All players must have one day of helmets/shoulder pads only before full gear. After those three days, players can have full gear for the rest of the season. If players miss one or more of the first three days, they will need to follow the three day equipment requirement before being in full gear.
Schedule Below:
8am – 10am: Helmets Only
4:00pm – 7:00pm: Helmets Only
8:00am – 10:am: Weight Training/Film Only (no equipment allowed)
4:00pm – 7:00pm: Helmets Only
8am – 10am: Helmets/Shoulder Pads Only
4:00pm – 7:00pm: Helmets/Shoulder Pads Only
8:00am – 10:am: Weight Training/Film Only (no equipment allowed)
4:00pm – 7:00pm: Full Gear
8am – 10am: Full Gear
4:00pm – 7:00pm: Full Gear
11:00am – 1:00pm: Purple/Gold Scrimmage (All Players)
11:00am – 1:00pm: Parents/Player BBQ and Meeting
Meeting should be around 12:30pm after scrimmage!
I have been asked by a number of players to add weight training. So, I will open the weight room today (8/10) and tomorrow (8/11) from 5 to 5:45 to lift before camp.
Coach Peeler
Athletic Registration – This Thursday Night from 5:30-7:30, has been moved to the Cafeteria. Please park in the North Lot.
Sports Physicals – For those that need sports physicals, and would prefer a low-cost/local option, Dr. Gofourth will be conducting them at FRMS from 10:00-4:00 on Monday, August 8th for $20.00.
Coach Peeler
I have updated the google calendar and made a new PDF printable calendar which includes August, September, and October. Also, I have added weight training today for anyone who would like to come. We will go on the field and do a workout. Please bring shoes needed. A reminder that Athletic Registration is tomorrow night from 5:30 to 7:30. All paperwork and fees will need to be turned in by August 12 @ noon. Anything after that will keep your child out of practice on the first day (August 15). Very important to get it in and don as soon as possible.
Coach Peeler
Practice this week is 4:15 to 5:15 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Weight training only. Next week will be High School Camp from 6 to 8 Monday through Thursday.
Coach Peeler
August is a busy time for football. Please check out the google calendar often. I will try to keep updating as much as possible. Our practice times for the week after moratorium week are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:15 to 5:15. The second week of August is the High School Football Camp. We will go Monday through Thursday from 6pm to 8pm. First official practice is Monday August 15th. Times will be coming soon.
Coach Peeler
Athletic Registration is rapidly approaching. It is scheduled for Thursday, August 4th, from 5:30-7:30 in the EHS Library. Due to construction, please park in the back (NORTH) lot.
If you cannot attend on this day/time due to a conflict, the appropriate paperwork can be picked up anytime after the 4th from the EHS office. In addition, all updated paperwork for 16-17 is now available on the EHS website under the athletics secretary link on the right hand side of the page and under Athletic Forms on the football website.
The first day of Fall practice is Monday, August 15th. To be eligible to participate on Monday, all paperwork must be completed and turned in by Friday the 12th at noon.
Coach Peeler
This year we will be having our future falcon football camp at Elmira High School (Practice Field). Parents need to park in the back (North) parking lot because of construction. This event will be Aug. 1 – 4 from 6pm to 8pm. This is for campers entering 3rd through 8th grade. The cost is $35 to attend (Make checks payable to EHS). The staff will help youth develop football skills, build football awareness and have fun with the Elmira football staff. Campers will rotate through position-specific drills with coaches and learn the fundamentals and techniques used to be successful and safe on the football field.
Coach Peeler
OSAA Moratorium Week – July 24 – 30!
Each year a seven-day OSAA Moratorium Week shall be in effect during which there shall be no contact between administrators/coaches/directors/advisors and students involved in any OSAA-sanctioned sport or activity, including cheer, dance/drill, speech, solo music, choir, band/orchestra. In addition, there shall be no high school athletic facility usage by athletic staff and students/teams, including dance/drill and cheer, during the OSAA Moratorium Week. Use of non-athletic facilities by athletic staff is allowed.
Coach Peeler
Practice next two weeks mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Practice from 6:00 to 7:30. NO equipment allowed until August 15th.
Coach Peeler
Bus has been delayed by car accident in McMinnville. Should be at the middle school around 2:30.
Coach Peeler
Bus is now being loaded. Kids should be returning between 1:30 and 2:00 at middle school. It has been a good week. Thank you for allowing your kids to be apart of the week.
Coach Peeler
Equipment Check out will be today (Thursday June 23rd) from 5pm to 6pm in the wrestling room above gym. We will also do equipment check out tomorrow (Friday June 24th) from 9am to 10am in the wrestling room.
Coach Peeler
Wednesday June 22nd, I need all parents who child will be attending Camp Rilea for a quick meeting. The meeting will be in the Cafeteria at the High School from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. We will discuss the bus, schedule, and food for camp.
Coach Peeler
Spring Practices for next will be Monday through Thursday 6:00pm – 7:30pm on practice field. Friday, practice will be 10:00am to 12:00pm. This is to accommodate some baseball games. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are our scheduled Mandatory practices with gear to be able to participate in full contact at Camp Rilea. If you miss one, Monday of camp will cover it. If you miss more, you will have to sit out of scrimmages at camp until you have the three gear days covered.
Also, construction begins on the High School this weekend. Players, Parents, and Coaches all need to go to the back of the school (staff parking lot) to park or pick-up players. We need to walk behind the school by the shot put area to get to the practice field. The front of the school will be closed.
There are still around 20 players saying they are going to Camp Rilea who have not paid for Camp. Please get that done ASAP. I need to have the check ready this next week. I am planning a meeting for parents of players going to camp. The meeting will be Wednesday at 7pm in the cafeteria. This will be to discuss the bus and make sure everyone has rides. Also, Danyel Parker is going to be contacting parents for donations for two different meals at Camp.
Coach Peeler
Coach Brands will be available to work with all Quarterbacks and Receivers tomorrow from 3:45 to 5:00 on the practice field. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Coach Peeler
Camp Rilea is right around the corner. There are a lot of items that need to be done to be ready.
- I have 37 out of 60 players paid for camp that are saying they are going.
- I have 34 out of 60 players who have filled out the Camp Rilea Transportation Form under Player Info telling me how they are getting to camp.
- I must order T-Shirts for the Camp by June 15th. I know some players are changing whether to go or not. I need to know as soon as possible. If you are changing what you were doing, please e-mail me at to let me know.
- I also need to give them as close as possible the number of beds needed for camp.
I really would appreciate if we can start to finalize these items as quickly as possible as some are close to the deadlines.
Coach Peeler
Coach Brands will be available to work with all Quarterbacks and Receivers tomorrow from 3:40 to 5:00 on the practice field. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Coach Peeler
Reminder that we have our first Spring Practice tomorrow from 3:40 to 5:00 at the high school practice field. There are no locker rooms for football, so I am asking all players to bring their stuff to the practice field. After practice, you will have to shower at home. This is due to the bond construction currently going on at the high school. We will be doing both weight room and field work, so bring tennis shoes and cleats for practice. We will meet first on the practice field.
Coach Peeler
This is a reminder that I need all players going to Camp Rilea to fill out the Camp Rilea Transportation Form under Player Info tab. I have 17 out of 60 players who have completed it.
Coach Peeler
Coach Brands would like to invite all Quarterbacks and Receivers to an open field type event on Monday May 23, 2016 from 6:30 – 7:30 on the practice field. Those players can stay after from 7:30 – 8:15 for weights. This will be a time start working on our throwing and catching mechanics.
Coach Peeler
I would like to have the $150 turn in by Friday June 3rd if at all possible. Also, have the waiver turned in as well. The money and form needs to be turned into the bookkeeper. I still have around 10 kids who have not filled out the player information form. Please remind players to do so. I also need parents to fill out the Camp Rilea Transportation form under player info if they are going to camp. I am trying to decide whether to get a bus for the trip to and from camp. The bus is expensive, but would really help out parents trying to get their child to camp. I would need to charge $15 to ride the bus. I encourage all players and parents to fill out the forms. I need to make some decisions soon.
Coach Peeler
I would like to have all players who plan on going to Camp Rilea this year fill out my Camp Rilea Transportation Form (Under Player Info Tab). I would like all players planning on going to Camp Rilea to turn in their waiver and money by Friday June 3rd. I need to make arrangements. Also, I have been considering a school bus for camp to transport players to and from camp. I know camp this year is a Monday through Friday. It is asking a lot of parents to take two days off of work and pay for gas to and from twice. The bus is a little expensive, but I think it is a better way for parents to get their players to camp this year.
Coach Peeler
Reminder!!! Weight Training starts tomorrow (Monday May 2) from 6:30pm – 7:30pm in the weight room at the high school. I hope to see a big turnout.
Coach Peeler
I apologize. The meeting is tomorrow Wednesday April 27 from 6:30pm to 7:00pm in PE Locker Room.
Coach Peeler
Any player who missed the first helmet fitting needs to attend this fitting. We will meet in the EHS PE Locker Room from 6:30pm to 7:00pm. I need to finalize the numbers to order helmets by next week. Please attend if you have not been fitted for a helmet.
Coach Peeler
When you click on the new Player Info tab there is a link to a google form that I need all players to fill out ASAP! This will help me know my numbers for Camp Rilea and how many helmets to lease. I want to take all grades to camp.
Also, I now have the google calendar uploaded in the Calendar tab with a menu to a PDF printable calendar link.
Coach Peeler
I am going to postpone the football weight training until Monday May 2. We will do Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday that week from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. I apologize, but I need to get Camp Rilea and Helmet situations done before getting the weight training started.
Thanks for you flexibility,
Coach Peeler
Welcome to our new Falcon Football website. On this website, you will find a calendar of events for the summer, schedules, rosters, and forms for camps. This is an exciting year for Falcon Football. Please keep looking for updates throughout the summer and season. GO FALCONS!
Coach Peeler