School Closure
Lane County Parks wants to hear from you about a proposed playground design at Perkins Peninsula Park. A meeting at the park will be held Friday, January 29 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Written comments may also be sent to David Stockdale at See the design concept on the County Parks website under Announcements at:
Fern Ridge School District is operating on a 2 hour delay today – 1-5-16
All Fern Ridge School District activities and board meeting are canceled for today – 1/4/16.
All school buses will be on their normal routes this afternoon.
Oregon State law (ORS 327.103) requires that all public schools and districts must meet standards set by the State Board of Education. By January 15 of each year, school district superintendents are required by OAR 581-022-1610 Operating Policies and Procedures to report to their communities the district’s standing with respect to all of the standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools as set out in Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 581, Division 22. Continue reading
It is time to think about the coming winter. Our District’s annual test of the FlashAlert weather closure system is scheduled for the morning of Wednesday, October 21, 2015. If you use the Messenger feature and you do not get a message that day, please verify that you still have an active account by going to After two warning emails were sent to everyone affected, accounts that had not been logged into since July 1, 2014 were deleted in order to keep the lists clean.
The School Board has opted to replace 5 total days of the 9 that have been lost due to inclement weather. We already made up one day on February 17th. May 23rd will be reinstated as a Teacher Workday (non-student). June 16, 17, 18, 19 will now be student days. June 20th will be a Teacher Workday. The schools will work with families that already have unavoidable, prearranged conflicts. This will be the final calendar change, regardless of future inclement weather. The last day for seniors and graduation day HAVE NOT changed. Please contact the schools if you have any questions.
Fern Ridge Middle School has been determined to be safe to re-enter after a search by the police and bomb sniffing dog. Students will be returning to the building and resuming their day.
Students of Fern Ridge Middle have been evacuated to the two elementary schools due to a bomb threat. Police are in charge and the building will be checked out prior to anyone re-entering.
Fern Ridge School District is now able, through our automated dialing system, to call each household for notifications regarding modification of the school day. If school is going to be delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather, you will receive a call on the priority phone listed by you when you registered your child for school. This call should reach you between 6:15 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Also, remember that updated information will be put on radio and television stations as in the past between 5:15 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.