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Quick reminder -before we jump into summer – the final early release day of 21-22 has moved from Wednesday, June 15th to Friday, June 17th. 

Students are released from school at their regular time on Wednesday, June 15th

Looking for next year’s school calendar?

Our adopted 2022-2023 School Calendar has been posted on the website.  You can find it on the front page of the website or by visiting this link.

Based on a request from building staff, the FRSD school board has altered the District calendar for the last week of school.

On the final week of school only – EARLY RELEASE day will be moved from  Wednesday, June 15th to Friday, June 17th. 

Wednesday, June 15th will be a full-school day.

This will be the only week that the early release day will change.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s school office.

Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Perrier from EES are planning a 3k virtual fun run!  The flyer below includes most of the information you need.  Also included at the bottom of this post is a “virtual bib” and a “virtual finished picture banner.”  You do not NEED either one of these items, but they are there for your convenience and fun if you want one.  The bib can be printed (with any number you want)–and worn when you run, and the “banner” can be held up when you and or your family finish your run and want to take a picture!  The pictures can be emailed to the email address on the flyer.  Anyone that sends in a picture will be eligible for a grand prize drawing of a one year Family Pass to Willamalane Parks and Recreation.  The pictures sent in will also be used in a video that will go out on social media.  If you want to be included in the drawing, but not in the social media posts, just mention that in the email that you send.



It’s time to register your new/returning student for the 2019-2020 school year!

                                    Parents/Guardians please note that schools are unable to process debit/credit cards.                                    Fees can be paid with a check or cash.  Thank you!

Below is the registration information for each school:

Elmira Elementary School: 541-935-8214

Registration for Kindergarten and new students – Wednesday, August 14 7:00am to 7:00pm  Please bring a copy of your student’s birth certificate, immunization and proof of residency.

Registration for all students:

Tuesday, August 20 7:00am to 7:00pm
Wednesday, August 21 8:00 to 3:00
Thursday, August 22 8:00 to 12:00

Veneta Elementary School: 541-935-8225

Registration for Kindergarten and new students – Wednesday, August 14 7:00am to 7:00pm  Please bring a copy of your student’s birth certificate, immunization and proof of residency.

Registration for all students:

Tuesday, August 20 7:00am to 7:00pm
Wednesday, August 21 8:00 to 3:00
Thursday, August 22 8:00 to 12:00

Fern Ridge Middle School: 541-935-8230

Registration for new students – Wednesday, August 14 7:00am to 7:00pm.  Please bring a copy of your student’s birth certificate, immunization and proof of residency.

Registration for all students:

Tuesday, August 20 7:00am to 7:00pm
Wednesday, August 21 8:00 to 3:30
Thursday, August 22 8:00 to 12:00

Elmira High School: 541-935-8200

Registration for Seniors – Wednesday, August 21 at 8:00am
Registration for Sophomores – Wednesday, August 21 at 1:00pm
Registration for Juniors – Thursday, August 22 at 1:00pm
Registration for Freshman – Thursday, August 22 at 5:00pm

Visit the link below for information regarding this years Grad Night fundraiser at Silvan Ridge Winery.

GRAD NIGHT FUNDRAISER:Each year, a graduation night committee made up of the parents of senior EHS students, spends the…

Posted by Superintendent Carpenter on Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Friday, November 2 is a teacher workday.  School is not in session for students. 

Enjoy the three day weekend!




It’s Homecoming Week!  Students are busy decorating hallways, planning their Homecoming Assembly and preparing for the Annual Homecoming Parade this Friday, September 28th at 4:00pm.

The parade route begins in the parking lot near Cup of Joe and will make its way through downtown Veneta before finishing at the high school.  Come join our students, staff and community members in support of our Elmira Falcons as they take on the Junction City Tigers!

Homecoming Parade – 4:00pm ~  Football Game – 7:00pm

                  Go Falcons!


All school offices are open and staff are busy getting ready for students.
Here is the registration information for all FRSD students:
*If you are unable to make it to the school office during the designated times please call the school office to make alternate arrangements.

 Elmira Elementary and Veneta Elementary Registration Schedules

Kindergarten and students who are new to the District are invited to register Wednesday, August 15th from 7:00am to 7:00pm. 

Please bring a copy of your student’s birth certificate, proof of residency and all current immunization data for any student who is new to the District. 

Returning students may register on the following days:

Tuesday, August 21st 7am to 7pm

Wednesday, August 22nd 8am to 3pm

Thursday, August 23rd 8am to Noon

Elmira Elementary School Office – 88960 Territorial Rd Elmira, Or (541) 935-8214  dnorthey@fernridge.k12.or.us
Veneta Elementary School Office – 88131 Territorial Rd Veneta, Or (541) 935-8225 lhaffner@fernridge.k12.or.us

Fern Ridge Middle School Registration Schedule

Students who are new to the District are invited to register on Wednesday, August 15 from 8:00am to 3:00pm.  

Please bring proof of residency and if you are coming from out of state or from a home schooling situation please bring immunization records and a copy of your student’s birth certificate. 

(Registration will be held in the Fern Ridge Middle School library) 

Returning Students may register on the following days: 

Tuesday, August 21 11:00am to 7:30pm

Wednesday, August 22 8:00am to 3:00pm

Thursday, August 23 8:00am to Noon

Fern Ridge Middle School Office – 88831 Territorial Rd Elmira, Or (541) 935-8230 scornelius@fernridge.k12.or.us

Elmira High School Registration Schedule

(Registration will be held in the Elmira High School cafeteria)

FRESHMAN – Thursday, August 23 5pm to 8pm

SOPHOMORE – Wednesday, August 22 1pm to 4pm

JUNIOR – Thursday, August 23 1pm to 4pm

SENIOR – Wednesday, August 22 8am to 11am

Elmira High School Office – 24936 Fir Grove Ln Elmira, Or (541) 935-8200 tboren@fernridge.k12.or.us


Monday, July 30th through Thursday, August 2nd are the dates that EHS will host the 4-day summer Strong Start program.  This program is for incoming 9th graders of ALL ability levels to assist them in developing some skills that encourage a strong start to the High School Career!

More information will be coming out in the coming weeks, including an informational flyer.  Stay tuned and save the date!  For questions, contact EHS Teacher Stu Burgess at sburgess@fernridge.k12.or.us or FRMS Counselor Ryan Chambers at rchambers@fernridge.k12.or.us.

Go Falcons!

The FRSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative      Action/Veteran’s Preference employer.

The district does not discriminate on the basis of  race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, sex or  age in its programs or activities.


FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


FRSD ADA Title II and Civil Rights Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301


ODE Fall 2024 Title IX Sexual Harassment Training September 2024


District Calendar

Printable Calendar 2024-2025

Calendario del distrito 2024-2025


88834 Territorial Rd.

Elmira, OR 97437

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