Oregon State Standards: The Oregon State Standards define what students should know and be able to do within a content area at specific stages in their education. In addition to setting and supporting the educational standards, the goal of the standards and instructional support team is to ensure that every learner’s strengths are recognized and their skills are developed through the opportunity to receive high-quality instruction, programming and services.
FRSD Board Polices – Instruction
Equity in FRSD: The FRSD acknowledges that we are charged with providing an equitable, safe, and nurturing learning environment for a diverse student population. To do so we are committed to fostering equity in all our decisions so that each student can follow their own path to reach their full potential without fear, threat, humiliation, danger or disregard.
FRSD Core Math Curriculum:
- enVision Mathematics GK-5 Scope and Sequence
- K-5 Math Curriculum Overview
- 6-8 MidSchool Math-Please review course syllabi- available from FRMS teachers
- 6-8 Math Curriculum Overview
- 9-12 – Please review course syllabi- available from EHS teachers
FRSD Core English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum:
- Wonders- K-5 ELA Curriculum Overview
- Into Literature- 6-8 ELA Curriculum Overview– Please review course syllabi- available from FRMS teachers
- My Perspectives- 9-12 ELA Curriculum Overview– Please review course syllabi- available from EHS teachers
FRSD K-12 Science
- Mystery Science K-5 Curriculum Overview
- Amplify Curriculum Overview – Please review course syllabi- available from FRMS teachers
- Patterns Curriculum Overview – Please review course syllabi- available from EHS teachers
- Miller & Levine – Biology Overview – Please review course syllabi- available from EHS teachers
******COMING SOON*******
FRSD K-12 Social Studies
FRSD Social Emotional Learning
FRSD Career Technical Education- CTE
FRSD K-12 Health
FRSD Physical Education
Hot Topics in Instruction
Grading and Reporting
Professional Development and Instructional Improvement