Tuesday, September 6th, the school year begins here in Fern Ridge, and we are excited to see students back in the buildings!
With the return of school days, we also have the return of traffic congestion, especially at the beginning of the year when students are learning their new bus routes, pick up & drop off time, and bus procedures, not to mention while parents are learning and remembering parking lot procedures!
School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school, and harried parents are running behind due to the inevitabilities of life and trying to drop off their kids before work. It’s never more important for drivers to slow down and pay attention than when kids are present, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of the year when it is new for many.
Please remember:
- Slow down in the school zones.
- Know the drop-off and pick-up procedures at your school. If you have questions, call the school!
- If you have the ability to carpool, it REALLY helps AM congestion.
- Be extra alert when you encounter a school bus on the road.
Thank you for your help in ensuring all of our students are safe!
Gary Carpenter, Superintendent, FRSD 28J
Join the Booster Club on September 10th for a night of Oregon Football, a Cornhole Tourney, and a Silent Auction.
Doors (and the kid zone!) open at 4 pm
For more information, email
Orchid Health will hold a Sports Physical Clinic on August 2nd and August 9th (by appointment only). There is no cost for students.
As a reminder, to participate in high school athletics in Oregon, students must have an updated physical (expires every 2 years). If you are unsure the status of your physical, you can contact the EHS Bookkeeper at 541-935-2253 ext 2210.
Call 541-234-3255 for more information and to schedule your appointment.
Community Q & A: Community Q & A sessions are on pause during the summer months (June and July). They will resume at 5:30 pm before the August 15th, 2022 board meeting.
Fern Ridge School Board: The FRSD Board of Directors sets aside 30 minutes in every regular, public meeting to hear public comment. Community members are each given 3 minutes to speak and must turn the Intent to Speak form in by 1pm the day of the board meeting. Links to public comment policy and the Intent to Speak form are found here. The board meeting in June will be a hybrid of virtual and in-person. Speakers may attend in-person or within the virtual webinar. Links to each month’s board meeting can be found on the Boardbook page along with the board agenda and meeting attachments.
The board welcomes objective criticism of district operations and programs but is not able to hear comments regarding any individual district staff member. School board members are generally not able to respond to individual commenters and may refer to the superintendent for reply at a later time.
Comments emailed to board secretary Michelle Smith: will be forwarded to the entire school board but will not be read into record at a board meeting. Individuals/Groups who submit the Intent to Speak form after the 1:00 pm deadline will be invited to comment at the following month’s meeting.
Each school board meting is recorded and posted on the School Board Meeting Recording page.
Please call 541-935-2253 ext 1203 or email if you need assistance or have questions about public comment or the community Q & A.
Link Tree:
Community Q & A Session
Recorded Community Q & A Sessions
Public Comment Policy
Intent to Speak Form
School Board Meeting Materials/Virtual Links
Recorded School Board Meetings
Quick reminder -before we jump into summer – the final early release day of 21-22 has moved from Wednesday, June 15th to Friday, June 17th.
Students are released from school at their regular time on Wednesday, June 15th
Looking for next year’s school calendar?
Our adopted 2022-2023 School Calendar has been posted on the website. You can find it on the front page of the website or by visiting this link.
We are deeply saddened by the tragic news regarding a school shooting earlier today at an elementary school in a small town in Texas. Our thoughts are with the Uvalde community and the families of those who lost their lives or were injured.
We recognize that news such as this can be shocking and can have a deep impact on school communities. We also know that such a tragic occurrence may bring school safety and security to the forefront of your mind. We want to reassure our community that schools are safe places, and we are always looking for ways to reinforce and improve the effectiveness of our district safety measures. These include securing our campus entrances and entrance securing systems, practice and regular review of physical security and emergency procedures, along with a close partnership with our local police.
As always, we ask families to be our partners in safety. Students are urged to speak up about any threat or other information that is concerning to them. They can tell a trusted adult at school or report information anonymously to Safe Oregon via text, call or email. Always notify the school if you know of an unsafe situation, and call 911 first if it is an emergency. Check in at the front office if you will be at the school, and if you see anyone unauthorized on campus tell school staff right away. Please also talk with your students about how to be safe at home, in your neighborhood, and on the way to and from school. Be alert to potential dangers. Provide the school office with your complete current contact information—if there is ever an emergency we will use email, mobile phones, home phones, websites or other communication to notify you with accurate information as quickly as we can.
If staff find themselves troubled by this tragic event or by any other concerns, free, confidential counseling and support is available through the district’s employee assistance program (EAP) provider.
Events like these also raise questions and fears in children. Families and staff can help children feel safe by talking with them openly if they have fears, establishing a sense of normalcy and security, and reassuring them that schools are safe places and dangerous events are rare. If families need support to help guide their discussion of these events with their children, they may find these resources of help:
- Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers – National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Helping Children With Tragic Events in the News – PBS for Parents
I know you join us in sending our deepest sympathy to the community of Uvalde, Texas, that is grieving this terrible event. Thank you for caring for yourselves and each other, as well as for our students.
The Oregon-Idaho High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) has put together this Community Threat Bulletin to help parents and schools educate students about accidental overdose risks from fentanyl-laced pills.
Fentanyl Community Threat Bulletin
El fentanilo boletin de amenazas comunitarias
For more information, contact Nurse Elliott at
The maintenance department will be applying an approved, low impact herbicide to the fence lines at each school on Sunday, May 15, 2022. The application is intended to discourage new weed growth in those areas.
In accordance with state law, signage will be posted at each site with contact information and re-entry times.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jeff Thiessen:
Join us as we celebrate our amazing Educational Rockstars during Teacher Appreciation Week 2022.
Thank you Fern Ridge educators for continuing to show up in your classrooms for our students. You are appreciated!