Upcoming Events
Over the past several months, the Fern Ridge School District has solicited input from a wide range of constituents regarding our upcoming Student Investment Account Application (due April 15th), and how best to meet the requirements of HB 3427 while addressing the needs of our students.
We have done this through a review of data, surveys, and “listening/input sessions” with parents, community members/groups, certified staff, classified staff, students and targeted student groups. This data has been compiled reviewed and our initial DRAFT application is beginning to take shape. That draft, will first be shared and discussed at our 6:30 PM school board meeting on Monday, February 10th.
The district will consider all feedback given over the following month until our board meeting on March 9th. We hope to approve the final application at the March 16th school board meeting. The best way/opportunity for all constituents to provide feedback will be to attend a board meeting on Feb 10th or March 9th to hear about the plan and speak during the public portion of the meeting if you would like to share your thoughts.
Thanks to those that have been participating, and those that continue to do so in the months and years to come.
Elmira Elementary & Veneta Elementary
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Elementary Students:
Monday – November 25 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesday – November 26 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm
No school for elementary students November 25 through November 29
Fern Ridge Middle School & Elmira High School
No school for middle school and high school students November 27 through November 29
August 5 – August 8, the Elmira Falcon Football Team and coaches will be hosting their Future Falcon Football Camp. Camp registration is August 5 at 5:30pm. Camp will be from 6pm – 8pm on the practice field. This is for incoming 2nd – 8th graders. The cost is $40 and checks must be made to EHS. Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt at the end. We will learn the basics of offensive positions, defensive positions, and tackling techniques. We also will play some fun games at the end of each day. Visit the link below to see the camp flyer.
The Elmira High School “Strong Start” program for incoming freshmen will be July 30th through August 2nd. It is a volunteer and no-cost program with a curriculum created at Stanford University and by Silicon Valley professionals. The goal is to give students decision making and problem-solving skills that will help them be more productive and achieve more throughout their high school experience and beyond. Students will also become familiar with the school and staff and work with upperclassmen to be better prepared for the first day of high school. Students do not have to come all four days.
For more information you can call 441-1706 or email sburgess@fernridge.k12.or.us.
Please click on the link below for information regarding the upcoming Football camp for incoming 2nd-8th graders.
Visit the link below for information regarding Cheer tryouts at EHS.
Saturday, June 24, 2017, 10:00 a.m.
Fern Ridge Middle School
88831 Territorial Road
Elmira OR 97437
Mark your calendar for the Elmira All School & Veterans Potluck. The chicken, beverages, and table service will be supplied. Please bring a salad, dessert, or hot dish. Group photos will be taken just before lunch.
The Classes of 1957 and 1967 will be featured for their 60-year and 50 year milestones!
The Historian has an amazing display of photos and slide shows dating back to the beginning of Elmira High School.
There is no admission although it is appreciated if you purchase a raffle ticket to help defray the cost of the event.
Contact Info:
Zella Tullock, ztullock@q.com, ph 541-607-9174
Joleen Mack, josiesky@aol.com, ph 541-935-2153
Melody R, melodyringdahl@yahoo.com, ph 541-484-9176
We hope you can come join us for the Fern Ridge Schools Districtwide TALENT SHOW on Friday, April 7th at 7:00 p.m. at Elmira High School. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Over 23 acts by our schools students and staff are scheduled to perform – dancing, singing, magic tricks and more!!! Cost is $5.00 per adult, $3.00 per student, ages 4 and under are free. Dessert intermission is included! This is an Ultimate Falcon Fundraiser for Mid Lane Cares. Contact EHS for more information at 541-935-8200.
Fern Ridge School District will be hosting an Open House and Ribbon Cutting on January 19th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Please join us in our new Elmira Elementary School, 88960 Territorial Road, Elmira, OR 97437. The evening will begin outside of the school where School Board Member, Twinkle Morton and students, will cut the ribbon and lead the way to the gym. There will be a short greeting from Gary Carpenter and Michelle Marshall. The grand opening will be a wonderful opportunity for families, community members, and friends to explore the beautiful new building and learn more about the design and layout.
In addition, Elmira High School will be “open” from 6-7 for any community members that would like to tour the new lobby and facilities that have recently been completed.