Oregon State law (ORS 327.103) requires that all public schools and districts must meet standards set by the State Board of Education. The Division 22 Standards for K-12 Education within the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARS) includes the rules that describe a “Standard School District.” An Oregon school district, to be standard, must provide acceptable educational opportunities for all Oregon students who reside in the district. To verify compliance with the Division 22 Standards, each year, school districts submit an Assurance form to the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction signed by the District Superintendent. Additionally, this year, the form highlighted five OARS located in Chapter 581, Division 22. The five areas were: Modified Diploma, Equal Educational Opportunities, Instructional Hours, Teacher and Educator Evaluation and Support, and Complaint Policy. Fern Ridge School District is in compliance with all five of the highlighted OARS.
In the rest of the areas the District is in compliance with all standards except two. The first is Counselors in all Schools. The next is hearing and vision screening for all grades K-12. Previously we provided the screening K-5, but have now extended it to K-8.
The District and School Report Cards are available at each school, at the FRSD office, or on the Oregon Department of Education website.
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