FRSD Students and Families

For the past several weeks, staff have been reviewing the Oregon Department of Education requirements, along with Oregon Health Authority and Centers for Disease Control recommendations regarding re-opening schools.

This week our formal planning began with a “brainstorming / planning session” that included nearly 30 folks from a wide group of constituents, including staff, students, and community members.  These planning sessions will continue every Tuesday, through the month of July.  In addition, this past Wednesday I hosted a a google meet for some parents and community members.  These are held to share what was discussed during our session, our challenges, and thoughts so far, as well as  an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.

These sessions will continue on Wednesdays at 3:30 and anyone is free to attend and listen, as well as type any questions in the chat box.  You can access these meetings at: or by calling 1-385-393-4218 PIN 537353691#.  Please mute yourself upon entering the meeting.  The login information will be the same for each of these Wednesday meetings.

The requirements we must operate under to bring students back are extensive and extremely challenging.  Our plans are due to the Oregon Department of Education by August 15th.  When we submit our plan, it will be shared and posted to the website.  The goals for our re-opening/planning committee are:

  1. The maintain the safety of our students and staff.
  2. To follow OHA, CDC and ODE requirements and guidelines.
  3. To get all students K-12 into brick and mortar buildings as much as possible.
  4. Create a model that allows for a seamless transition to comprehensive online distance learning if required.

The committee hopes to have a framework of a proposal to present to the FRSD School Board on Monday, July 20th for them to review and offer their approval.  If the framework of our proposal is approved by the school board, the extensive work will begin in regards to the logistics of executing this framework.  There are many elements, outside of providing quality instruction, that the district is charged with addressing, including:  Transportation, Food Service, Sanitation and Cleaning, Cohorting, Social Distancing, Entry and Screening Protocols, Technology for Online and Distance Learning, Professional Development for Staff, Public Health Communication / Isolation Protocols, and  Staffing and Personnel issues, just to name a few.

As we progress, we will continue to provide updates as they become available, so that parents have all the information they need to make decisions that are best for their families.  Thank you in advance for your patience and support.

Gary E. Carpenter, Jr.

Superintendent, FRSD 28J


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FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


FRSD ADA Title II and Civil Rights Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


FRSD 504 Coordinator

Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301


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