As a reminder, the district holds a virtual google meet each Wednesday at 3:30.  These meetings can be accessed through the following link:

Thanks to everyone that participated and asked great questions in our virtual meeting yesterday.  I mentioned that I would type up something today in response to questions I did not have the answer to or simply missed in the chat box.  Below are those 3 questions and answers:

1. Will traditional grading be used in 20-21 (or Pass/No Pass like in the Spring of 2020)?

The final answer to this might take a little more research/work.  In the ODE guidance, under the Assessment and Grading sections is where this is addressed.  Under the “required” segment of this guidance it states (among other things), that in hybrid or Comprehensive Distance Learning models, districts must “develop and implement an equitable grading policy.”  Under the recommended section it states (among other things), “Use assessment to celebrate student strengths, identify needs, document learning as it progresses, and verify student performance in comparison to levels of expectation or proficiency.”  To summarize, I would say this gives our teachers and administrators some flexibility and will be something that is decided in the coming weeks.  While grading scales and how we assess may be modified some, letter grades on a transcript are important for many reasons at the High School level so I would anticipate that to continue.  Having said that, know there will be more information to come.

2.  Was there a survey sent out for staff preferences (like the one given to parents)?

There was not.  The survey was given to the community and students, the people that all FRSD employees serve.  However, there was plenty of staff input, and continues to be, on how our staff will meet the needs identified by our community and students within our capabilities, as safely as possible, and in compliance with all the guidance we are receiving.  Our current “model” was what was recommended by the teams of certified, classified, and administrative staff (including M.S. and H.S. student representation) as a part of our re-opening committee that met at each level (Elementary, M.S. and H.S.).  Staff continue to be involved in sub-groups (and make decisions and recommendations) on a wide range of topics.

3.  Finally, there was one question that I missed answering the second part of.  It was around the topic of well-being and stress on staff and students. 

Support around this topic will be incorporated.  What that looks like exactly hasn’t been determined.  However, we have a sub-committee (titled Social Emotional Health) who will be addressing this issue.  Luckily we began some mindfulness practice last year.  In addition, we have a district staff wellness committee whose work will look differently in 20-21. There are many resources on this topic, including a section on the ODE website at the following link: titled Mental Health & Social Supports.  Our sub-committee will be using these resources and as our teachers return to work it will be something that can be discussed at the beginning of the year at the building level as needs will vary.

Thank you to everyone for their participation, as additional questions arise, the best point of contact will be building administrators.  See you next Wednesday for the latest updates.

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FRSD Title IX Coordinator

Michelle Marshall 541-935-2253 Ext 1220


FRSD ADA Title II and Civil Rights Coordinator

Gary Carpenter 541-935-2253 Ext 1203


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Rilke Klingsporn 541-935-2253 Ext 1301


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