When we get questions during our weekly Q and A that I do not have the answer to, I get the answer, and post it here. In yesterday’s Q and A, a question was posed that was something to the effect of “How does the County calculate the case rate/100,000 metric that is used to guide schools, currently at 30.6”. I asked that question to Lane County Public Health, and below is their response. I hope it is helpful.
"You're correct - it's the number of new cases per day for the week, divided by the population (~378k I believe), and then multiplied by 100k. It's important to note that the numbers are based on the date of symptom onset, not when LCPH receives the test result, which is why the numbers can sometimes shift throughout the week. The metric is based on all new cases/positive tests, so the "infectious" or contagious number you might hear about is calculated differently and doesn't impact OHA/LCPH's school metrics."
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