Old Posts
The EHS Mr. Falcon Contest is just around the corner!! Put Friday, April 3rd on your calendars for a fun filled evening. The cost is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for students if purchased before the night of, at the door, tickets are $10.00/$7.00. Good luck to contestants Tucker Barnes, Tristan Cornelius, Seth Johnson, Gannon Jones, Ramasas Labastida, Carlos Robertson, and Arashi Wahl. Head Coordinator is Bailey Mills. All funds raised stay in the Fern Ridge Community.
Come join us for the FRMS Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser tonight, February 20th at 5:00-7:30 PM at the EHS Cafeteria! The money raised will be used to fund field trips for the middle school students. There will be door prizes and entertainment. Click here for more information.
The open enrollment process provides an additional method of school choice for Oregon students which allows them to apply for a permanent admission to a school district. Non-resident students may apply to transfer from their resident district to attend Fern Ridge School District through the open enrollment process.
Interested non-resident students must submit a completed Fern Ridge School District Open Enrollment form to the Fern Ridge School District Office beginning March 1, 2015 and closing on April 1, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Accepted applicants will be notified no later than May 1, 2015. For further information contact the Superintendent’s Office at 541-935-2253 ext. 1203.
This is to inform you that the Fern Ridge School District Achievement Compact Committee will be meeting on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Administration Office, 88834 Territorial Road, Elmira, OR. For more information please contact 541-935-2253 Ext. 203.
All school offices will be closed on Monday, August 25, 2014 to allow for staff members to attend in-service activities. Offices will be open regular hours on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Thank you.
The School Board has opted to replace 5 total days of the 9 that have been lost due to inclement weather. We already made up one day on February 17th. May 23rd will be reinstated as a Teacher Workday (non-student). June 16, 17, 18, 19 will now be student days. June 20th will be a Teacher Workday. The schools will work with families that already have unavoidable, prearranged conflicts. This will be the final calendar change, regardless of future inclement weather. The last day for seniors and graduation day HAVE NOT changed. Please contact the schools if you have any questions.
The Regular Worksession School Board Meeting for tonight, Monday, February 3, 2014 has been cancelled. The next Regular School Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at West Lane Tech Learning Center.
The school board met and made the decision to make up a second “snow” day. This day will be on Friday, May 23rd, which previously was scheduled as a teacher work day and not a day for students. Action taken at the school board meeting will now make it a student day as well. We are hoping that weather will allow us to continue uninterrupted for the rest of the year, but if not, we may have to consider adding more days later. Thank you for your patience as we make the adjustments.
At the school board meeting last night the Board changed the school calendar adding February 17th (President’s Day) as an attendance day for students and staff. We are working with the Fern Ridge Education Association, the Adminstrative Team and the Board to find additional days we can add back from the weather closures. These changes will be forthcoming in the near future. As soon as they are finalized it will be posted up on the website and school calendars.
This is especially the time of the year when we count our blessings, celebrate relationships and take care of those in need. I spoke with someone the other day that is adopting a needy family for Christmas and was overwhelmed with their dedication to helping others they don’t even know. That is what the holidays are all about and that in particular is what the community of Fern Ridge is known for. I would like to express my sincerest best wishes to all of you and hope you have a joyous and safe holiday season. – Dennis Friedrich, Ed.D., Superintendent