As many of you are aware, the Governor gave an executive order on March 16th, closing schools through April 28th. One of the elements of that order charges schools to deliver “supplemental education and learning supports to students to the extent practical through independent study and other appropriate options.”
Over the next week I will be problem solving what that looks like for Fern Ridge, along with other district leaders. Many of our staff will be coming back to work on Monday, March 30th to finalize what these plans look like and have them ready to execute by April 1st. I expect they will look very different from K-8 vs. High School. Districts are currently waiting on ODE guidance, we expect early next week, around high school students– especially 12th graders.
In the mean time, for those of you that are interested, in the coming days a page on our website will go live that addresses other “on-line resources” for families for whom this is an option. When it is ready, we will announce that through the website, social media and phone dialer. We understand that this isn’t an option for every family/home based on internet connectivity and/or actual devices. Our plan that will come out prior to April 1st will address various options.
Earlier we had a site posted here for parents to try. Upon further inspection it wanted to charge families after a 30 day trial period.
Gary E. Carpenter, Jr. Superintendent, FRSD 28J
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