Elmira High School is committed to making our distance learning for all available digitally to our students as widely as we can.
Elmira High School will begin our Chromebook Loan program this week. The first round of Chromebooks will be made available to families that indicated a need for a device in our Household Technology Survey.
Our first round of handouts will take place from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Wednesday, April 15th.
In order to receive a Chromebook on this first date you must have either completed the technology survey that was completed last week or have called the school by 10:00 AM Tuesday morning to indicate your need.
Families that have not completed the survey or called can still receive a Chromebook on Thursday, April 16th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. We do ask that if you haven’t completed the technology survey that you call 541-952-7022 to share your information with us or complete the survey on Thursday when you come to get your device. Chromebooks will be available at the front of the high school and we ask that you maintain proper social distancing while waiting to receive your Chromebook. A use agreement will be included with the device and is also available for you to view on Covid-19 Closure page on the FRSD Website.
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