Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Perrier from EES are planning a 3k virtual fun run! The flyer below includes most of the information you need. Also included at the bottom of this post is a “virtual bib” and a “virtual finished picture banner.” You do not NEED either one of these items, but they are there for your convenience and fun if you want one. The bib can be printed (with any number you want)–and worn when you run, and the “banner” can be held up when you and or your family finish your run and want to take a picture! The pictures can be emailed to the email address on the flyer. Anyone that sends in a picture will be eligible for a grand prize drawing of a one year Family Pass to Willamalane Parks and Recreation. The pictures sent in will also be used in a video that will go out on social media. If you want to be included in the drawing, but not in the social media posts, just mention that in the email that you send.
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