This is to inform you that The Fern Ridge School District Budget Committee Meeting Agenda and Notice for the Tuesday, May 19, 2020 – Budget Committee Meeting at 6:30 p.m., has been posted. In response to the current health emergency resulting from COVID-19 pandemic, the District facilities are closed to the public and meetings are being held electronically at or by dialing (US)+1 406-578-4644 PIN: 654 284 727#.
Agenda items include: Receive Superintendent’s Budget Message, Review Proposed Budget, Take Public Comment, and Approve Budget and Tax Levies.
To access the agenda click here. This will take you to the Fern Ridge SD 28J BoardBook site where you can review board meeting agendas, attachments, and minutes. Included in the May 19th, 2020 Budget Committee Meeting Agenda is the 2020-2021 Proposed Budget Document.
Please email any questions to or at your earliest convenience and preferably prior to the day of May 19th, so that we can provide the most appropriate and accurate answer.
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